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Yingjie Hu

Associate Professor of Geography
University at Buffalo College of Arts and Sciences


GIScience, spatial analysis, natural language processing, artificial intelligence, machine learning, data mining, big data

Head shot of Yingjie Hu, University at Buffalo faculty expert on GIScience and data mining.

Yingjie Hu is an expert on geographic information science (GIScience) and data mining, including the use of artificial intelligence.

His research uses machine learning and natural language processing (both fields of study in artificial intelligence) and spatial analysis to extract useful information from data, with the goal of aiding disaster response, urban planning and other geospatial applications.

Much of Hu’s work focuses on data that has both a geographic and textual information component. For example, his team used geotagged housing ads to identify names that people use to refer to neighborhoods, landmarks, streets, organizations and other local places, revealing colloquial place names that are not catalogued through traditional maps or other resources.


Yingjie Hu, PhD
Associate Professor of Geography
University at Buffalo College of Arts and Sciences