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Ifeoma Nwogu

Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering
University at Buffalo College of Arts and Sciences


Artificial intelligence, including machine learning and human behavior; computer vision and facial expressions, gestures and sign languages

Portrait of Ifeoma Nwogu.

Ifeoma Nwogu’s research focuses on leveraging AI methods to study and interpret human behavior.

She is interested in how machine learning can be used to understand non-verbal signals, such as facial expressions and gestures, and different patterns of speech. Her research has covered a variety of subjects in this area, ranging from deep learning methods for analyzing sign languages, to the use of machine learning to detect deceit. She also has studied bias in facial recognition technologies.

Nwogu can speak to media about the latest science in this field and the technical challenges of using AI methods to research social interactions. 


Ifeoma Nwogu, PhD
Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering
University at Buffalo School of Engineering and Applied Sciences