We can consult with you to ensure that you fulfill your obligations to prevent discrimination and harassment, and to provide reasonable accommodations.
As a supervisor, manager or instructor, you have obligations above and beyond most employees. We can help you in meeting these obligations in areas including:
We can provide training to you and your area on topics including sexual harassment, sexual assault, accommodations, recruiting for diversity and other topics that promote an inclusive workplace. Whether you would like a full workshop or a ten-minute overview at a department meeting, we can customize something to fit your needs.
Please contact us if you are experiencing a problematic employee or student situation and are unsure of how to proceed. We can assist you in exploring the issues involved and identifying strategies and solutions for moving forward. You can call the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) anonymously at (716) 645-2266 if you would like assistance and would prefer not to disclose your name.
Some workplace or classroom issues are difficult, and it is not clear how they should be handled. Don't feel you should have to handle a problem on your own. We can help and connect you with other UB offices that can help as well.
406 Capen Hall (Campus map)
Buffalo, New York 14260
Tel. (716) 645-2266
Fax: (716) 645-3952