Perspectives on AI in Higher Education: An Overview

A futuristic 3D render of the letters A. I. on a hexagon surface. Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash.

Published January 24, 2024

On January 22, 2024, the Office of Curriculum, Assessment and Teaching Transformation held its Annual Conference. This year’s event focused on Artificial Intelligence and its potential use in higher education. 

The keynote, sponsored by the Genteels' Excellence in Teaching Conference, was renowned researcher Rose Luckin, who studies the design and evaluation of educational technology, in particular Artificial Intelligence (AI).  

Rose Luckin

Rose is a professor at University College London (UCL). Professor Luckin is Founder of Educate Ventures Research Ltd., a London hub for educational technology start-ups, researchers and educators involved in evidence-based educational technology and leveraging data and AI for educational benefit.  She is also the host of the EdTech Podcast.  

Summary of Keynote

Professor Luckin’s keynote consisted of three aspects of AI:  

AI Tools

How to use Artificial Intelligence tools to tackle some of the big educational challenges. 

Increasing our Human Intelligence

Evolving how we learn in a way that AI cannot.  

Learning about AI

 Educating people about artificial intelligence so they can use it safely and effectively. 

Teaching in an AI World: A Panel on AI and Disruptive Technologies in the Classroom (Panel Discussion)

Following Professor Luckin’s presentation was a panel discussion on AI’s impact on higher education from an administrative lens. The panel was hosted by CATT and featured Kevin Cleary (Clinical Assistant Professor, Management Science and Systems, School of Management), Kelly Ahuna (Director, Office of Academic Integrity), and David Gray (Associate Teaching Professor, Department of Philosophy). Our panelists covered topics such as what generative AI means in higher education, the impact of AI on student work and achieving student learning outcomes, the implications of using AI from an Academic Integrity standpoint, and how to utilize AI in the classroom to enhance student learning creatively. 

Full Conference Recording

Please visit our Annual Conference page to view the full recording of this year's Keynote and Panel Discussion. 

Additional Resources