Published January 5, 2021
The Director of the University at Buffalo’s RENEW Institute, Amit Goyal, has been appointed to the National Materials and Manufacturing Board of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine.
Amit Goyal
Goyal, who is also a SUNY Distinguished Professor and SUNY Empire Innovation Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering and has an adjunct position in the Department of Physics, will serve a three-year term on the board, through December of 2023.
The National Materials and Manufacturing Board combines the charges of two preexisting boards: the National Materials Advisory Board and the Board on Manufacturing and Engineering Design.
Its mission is to build on the past achievements of its parent boards by providing objective, independent assessments of the current state of materials and manufacturing research - including at the atomic, molecular, and nano scales - and the applications of new and existing materials in innovative ways, including pilot-scale and large-scale manufacturing, the design of new devices, and disposal.
The National Materials and Manufacturing Board is funded by a combination of government agencies and private sponsors. Public support has come from U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Department of Energy, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Federal Aviation Administration and National Institutes of Health.
Additional details about the National Materials and Manufacturing Board and the professional societies it engages with can be found here.
Goyal is a member of the National Academy of Engineering. He serves on the National Academies Panel for reviewing the NIST Materials Measurement Laboratory and on the National Academies Panel for reviewing the U.S. Army Research Laboratory in the area of materials science. He also serves on the Fellows Advisory Committee of the National Academy of Inventors, on the Scientific Advisory Board of the Center for Nanomaterials at Argonne National Laboratory, on the Board of Governors for the New York Sea Grant and is a member of the National Academies Intelligence Science and Technology Experts Group.