Honorary and Memorial Gifts

Making a gift to UB in honor or memory of a teacher, student, relative or friend is a thoughtful and generous way to recognize his or her life and accomplishments.

When you make an honorary or memorial gift, the UB Foundation will notify the honoree or next of kin if you request and will administer the gift as you direct.  Gifts can be made in cash or as a transfer of assets.

To make a gift using UB's online form, check the box "my gift is in honor/ memory of someone" and let us know who you're honoring or memorializing with your gift. You can also make a gift using our printable form.

Need help or more information? Contact us.

  • Legacy Giving

    Learn how you can achieve your philanthropic goals at UB while also benefiting your personal financial position, supplementing your retirement or providing additional support and security to your family.