Student Appeals

What happens if a student appeals my decision?

  1. A student has 10 academic days from notification of the instructor’s decision to appeal either the finding, the sanction(s) or both. The appeal must be submitted in writing to the Office of Academic Integrity.
  2. The Office of Academic Integrity will review the case to determine if there is cause for further review. If no cause is found, the Office of Academic Integrity will notify the student and the instructor within 10 academic days that the instructor sanction will be enacted. Student appeal procedures end.
  3. If the Office of Academic Integrity finds cause for further review, an adjudication committee will be assembled within 10 academic days. The committee will hear the case and reach a decision (see academic integrity policy for more details). Graduate student appeals end with the committee’s decision. Undergraduate students can appeal the committee’s decision to the director of the Office of Academic Integrity within 10 academic days, only if there is an error in process. The director can either uphold the committee’s findings or appoint a second adjudication committee. There is no right to further appeal.