Provide Feedback

We value your feedback to help improve the experience here at the Structural Engineering and Earthquake Simulation Laboratory (SEESL). Please use the below form to submit your feedback and thank you for your time.

What is your relationship to SEESL?
What is your relationship to SEESL?
How did you become aware of the services provided by SEESL?
How did you become aware of the services provided by SEESL?
What best describes the equipment class your company manufactures, sells, integrates or installs?
What best describes the equipment class your company manufactures, sells, integrates or installs?
How frequently does your company require the services of a seismic testing laboratory for performing seismic qualification testing and reporting?
How frequently does your company require the services of a seismic testing laboratory for performing seismic qualification testing and reporting?
Have you utilized the services of other testing laboratories?
Have you utilized the services of other testing laboratories?
Assuming your company has utilized the services of other testing laboratories, please rank the quality of equivalent services performed at SEESL.
Assuming your company has utilized the services of other testing laboratories, please rank the quality of equivalent services performed at SEESL.
Assuming your company has utilized the services of other testing laboratories, please rank the cost of equivalent services performed at SEESL
Assuming your company has utilized the services of other testing laboratories, please rank the cost of equivalent services performed at SEESL
How effective was SEESL in meeting your project scheduling and execution requirements?
How effective was SEESL in meeting your project scheduling and execution requirements?
How effective were our testing and reporting services with respect to increasing your company’s market share in established markets, or in developing new markets for your products?
How effective were our testing and reporting services with respect to increasing your company’s market share in established markets, or in developing new markets for your products?
Please rate the services provided by the staff at SEESL (and feel free to add comments at the end of the form). Check all boxes that apply.
Please rate the services provided by the staff at SEESL (and feel free to add comments at the end of the form). Check all boxes that apply.
How likely are you to utilize our testing services for future seismic qualification or sponsored research requirements?
How likely are you to utilize our testing services for future seismic qualification or sponsored research requirements?
Would you recommend our testing and reporting services to other companies, or to other divisions of your own company?
Would you recommend our testing and reporting services to other companies, or to other divisions of your own company?