Need to Know

Published February 12, 2025

  • Beaty receives NABLEO leadership award
    UB Police Chief Kimberly Beaty is the recipient of the 2024 Law Enforcement Leadership Award from the National Association of Black Law Enforcement Officers. The award was presented at the organization’s three-day conference at the Buffalo Marriott Niagara Hotel.
  • Agreement reached addressing UB medical residents/fellows’ salary, health care, professional development needs
    The Union of American Physicians and Dentists (UAPD) and University Medical Resident Services P.C. (UMRS) are very pleased to announce that an agreement has been reached that addresses the salary, health care and professional development needs of UB medical residents and fellows.
  • Parking and Transportation receives national award
    UB’s Parking and Transportation Services has received national recognition from the Association of Commuter Transportation (ACT), an organization and leading advocate for commuter transportation and Transportation Demand Management (TDM) professionals.
  • Time to change health insurance
    The Health Insurance Option Transfer Period for state employees, during which workers can change their health insurance carrier, voluntarily cancel coverage or change from family to individual coverage, runs through Dec. 31.
  • Town hall meeting aims to secure future of Fruit Belt garden
    Community members are invited to attend a town hall-style meeting Dec. 7 to discuss the future of Frida’s Rebel Garden in Buffalo’s Fruit Belt neighborhood.
  • Cookie sale to benefit employees campaign
    Ease some of that holiday stress this year by letting Campus Dining and Shops do some of your baking.
  • UB professor co-authors introductory textbook in public health
    “Schneider’s Introduction to Public Health: Seventh Edition,” co-authored by a UB faculty member, will be the first glimpse many students have into the world of public health, providing them with an important foundation and acting as the stepping point for their journey in the field.
  • Childhood obesity researcher receives early-career award
    Katherine Balantekin, assistant professor in the Department of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences, School of Public Health and Health Professions, has won the inaugural Alison Field Early-Career Award for Excellence in Research in Pediatric Obesity from the Pediatric Obesity Section of The Obesity Society, the leading professional society focused on obesity science, treatment and prevention.
  • UB climbs in undergrad entrepreneurship ranking
    For the third consecutive year, Entrepreneur magazine and The Princeton Review have named UB one of the top undergraduate schools for entrepreneurship studies.
  • De Souza named chair of restorative dentistry
    Grace De Souza, professor in the Department of Comprehensive Dentistry at the University of Louisville (UL) School of Dentistry, has been named the new chair of the Department of Restorative Dentistry in the School of Dental Medicine, effective Jan. 2.