• UB ready to help launch Empire AI

    Gov. Kathy Hochul and lawmakers have finalized a budget that makes UB home to the new initiative aimed at putting NYS at the forefront of responsible AI innovation.

  • Supporting rights of the homeless

    UB social work researcher Amanda Aykanian has signed an amicus brief supporting the plaintiffs in an upcoming U.S. Supreme Court case.

  • UB architect’s proposal named 5/14 memorial finalist

    Jin Young Song teamed up with his mentor, Douglass Alligood, on a design concept that seeks to commemorate, remember and heal.

  • Seven UB faculty elected AAAS fellows

    AAAS is the world's largest general scientific society; past fellows include Thomas Edison and W.E.B DuBois.

  • UB to install 30 air monitors on Buffalo’s East Side

    The EPA-funded project will monitor the air quality in the mostly Black community in an effort to empower community action. 

  • Assessing effectiveness of 'food-is-medicine'

    The American Heart Association-funded project will assess the successes and challenges of three different food-prescription programs for WNY seniors.

  • Fifteen students receive SUNY Chancellor’s Award

    The award is the highest honor SUNY bestows upon its students.

  • Did RNA droplets help originate life on Earth?

    UB physics researcher Priya R. Banerjee has been awarded a seed grant from the Hypothesis Fund to explore the "big idea."

  • Happier neighborhoods start in the front yard

    A UB study of the Elmwood Village found that the livelier and more open the front yard, the more content and connected the resident.

  • Charting family history of world's most popular coffee

    The newly sequenced genome of Arabica reveals its prehistoric origin story — and its future under climate change.

  • New study probes macrophages’ role in pulmonary fibrosis

    These white blood cells promote scar tissue formation, but certain drugs, such as pirfenidone, may stop this from happening.

  • LMSA brings first-place award home from conference

    The Latino Medical Student Association’s Buffalo chapter also will host the national LMSA's 2026 Northeast conference.

  • Horse play

    The National Equine Institute of Growth through Healing (N.E.I.G.H.) returned to campus earlier this month. The event, organized by UB Veteran Services, was designed to help students and student veterans manage end-of-the-semester stress. Photos: Meredith Forrest Kulwicki

    Published May 22, 2024

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Holly Hughes discusses her work at AKG and how UB helped her obtain her dream job there.

True Blue Holly Hughes

Holly Hughes went from volunteering at the Albright-Knox Art Gallery to becoming very curious about its inner workings. Now she is the Godin-Spaulding Senior Curator for the collection at the new, world-renowned Buffalo AKG. And, she says, she's certain that her life “is what it is supposed to be.”

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