Choose or Change Your Major

We have a major for you! With more than 140 programs to choose from, you’ll find a program to match your interests and life goals.

To learn more about UB’s 140+ majors, visit the Undergraduate Academic Programs website.

Most students are directly admitted to their chosen major during the admissions process.

If you are new to UB and want to change your admitted major, you can do this when you complete your Advisement and Orientation Form.

If you are considering changing your major, you are not alone—around 80% of undergraduate students switch majors at least once before graduation. UB has many programs that match your interests and strengths and help you achieve your goals.

If you already have a new major or academic interest in mind, contact the appropriate advising office for further assistance and learn about applying to your new major. If you are unsure of the best major for you or are interested in pursuing a career in health care or law, contact the Exploratory and Pre-Professional Advising Center to learn more about exploring alternative majors. The Career Design Center is also a great resource to discover majors and careers.

Remember: It is important to gain acceptance to a major by no later than 60 credits completed to maintain academic progress, state and federal financial aid and to finish your degree in four years.

If you entered the university exploratory/undecided about your major or are changing your major along the way, you should review the admissions criteria and process for your desired major in the Undergraduate Catalog. Decisions on admissions to majors for current students are made by the academic program department. It is important to note that application requirements and deadlines vary by program.