ION TOF. TOF-SIMS 5, Ultra high vacuum time-of-flight mass spectrometer for chemical imaging, ion intensity mapping, depth profiling, and static mass spectra. This equipment is engineered for the characterization and analysis of smooth, flat, and solid samples. Ideal applications include analysis of glass, silicon wafers, thin polymer films such as commercial plastics, coatings, and paints. Other possible applications include particulate analysis, and geological samples, microtomed plant and animal tissue. Surface imaging with 100nm resolution is routine given idealized conditions. Excellent for failure analysis of microcircuits, micro- and nano-scale electronic devices.
Experimental samples, techniques, and procedures are permitted with approval from the lab coordinator.
Surface and Thin Film Laboratories
482 Natural Sciences Complex
University at Buffalo North Camus
Buffalo, NY 14260
Usage Fee:
Unassisted: $36/hour (academic)
$245/ hour (industry)
Assisted: $70/ hour (academic)
$435/ hour (industry)
Complimentary 30 minute consultation
PhD Candidate, Department of Chemistry
(716) 645-4171
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
Natural Sciences Complex
(716) 645-4310
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
Natural Sciences Complex
(716) 645-4254