REC Employee Spotlight - Justin Ivory

Alumni Arena Fitness Center.

By: Abi Inman, April 16, 2024

UB Recreation hosts diverse programs and opportunities year-round for staff and students. The dedicated employees are essential to its operation, reflecting the heart of UB Recreation.

Get to Know the Real UB Recreation Staff

“In the gym, we all speak the same language, which is one thing I love... ”
Justin Ivory, Alumni Arena Supervisor
UB Recreation


With the 1,000 LB. Challenge taking place this past March, it’s only fitting that this employee spotlight highlights someone who has made a tremendous impact in Alumni Arena, specifically in the Fitness Center. Justin Ivory is a senior, majoring in exercise science with a concentration in pre-physical therapy. He started working with UB Recreation in the second semester of his freshman year in 2020. Justin started as a Fitness Center monitor where he re-racked weights, cleaned the machines, laundered towels, and more. 

Justin's major in exercise science has equipped him with a deep understanding of the human body and its functions. In particular, he has applied this knowledge to his own recovery from physical therapy, aspiring to become “the doctor of physical therapy” in the future.

How It All Began

Alumni Arena Fitness Center.

Fitness Center, 175 Alumni Arena.

Access to the Alumni Arena Fitness Center is how Justin started weightlifting, extending his passion for fitness. For most of his fitness career, Justin focused on agility exercises due to the beneficial impact it had on his basketball career. As a result, weightlifting represented a significant adjustment and learning phase for him, during which he lacked substantial knowledge and guidance on gym routines.

 “I had to teach myself everything about the gym, trying everything to see what worked for me and finding little tricks that would enhance my gym performance. Suddenly, I became the average gym head.”

Justin’s work ethic, extensive time spent at the gym, and passion for fitness eventually got him promoted to Office Staff in his sophomore year, handling customer service tasks like managing conflicts in the Fitness Center and ensuring the monitors did their job correctly and efficiently.

As Justin continued to excel in his role with UB Recreation, it was only a matter of time before another promotion came about. In the summer of 2023, Justin was granted the position of Alumni Arena Supervisor.

Justin Ivory flexing shirtless.

via Instagram (@ivorybuilt)

Bringing Us to Now

Justin works directly with his boss, Wilson Bautista, as he is responsible for the whole arena during the night shift. Justin is the “eyes and ears of the Fitness Center”, he oversees staff and activities occurring in Alumni Arena, along with handling any major incidents.

Fitness and the weight room offer a refuge for many people, allowing them to take time for themselves and care for their bodies after dealing with the stresses of work, school, friends, family, and other responsibilities. Justin describes fitness as "his everything," a space where he can regain control of his life without distractions weighing him down.

“I can take actual control of my life and it teaches me patience, discipline, and consistency. In the gym, we all speak the same language which is one thing I love. I appreciate seeing people making an effort to get their overall fitness and wellness better for themselves.”

Alumni Arena Fitness Center.

Alumni Arena Fitness Center

Exercise has proven to be a valuable tool for countless individuals dealing with depression, anxiety, self-esteem issues, and more. It is widely recognized for its positive impact on both physical and mental well-being. Justin reflects on the confidence he has gained through his weightlifting journey, transitioning from a lean, toned freshman to someone whose physique is now admired and respected.

"Throughout my college years, I've transformed my physique into something that earns admiration from others. Now, people see me as one of the bigger guys in the room. Despite this, I remain grounded because I continuously set high standards and believe there are no limits to what I can achieve."

Fitness has had a massive impact on Justin's life both physically and mentally. He is continuing to build his career by creating fitness content under ‘IvoryBuilt’ on social media platforms. He shows his progression in the gym along with the impact it has had on his faith and mental health, hoping to inspire others who might be starting and struggling in their fitness journey or with self-esteem issues.

Justin Ivory.

via Instagram (@ivorybuilt)

Reflection and Future Focus

Justin understands and appreciates the responsibility and respect he has earned throughout his time with UB Recreation. He is viewed as a role model and mentor to people within Alumni Arena, treating anyone who comes to him with compassion and respect. The admiration and inspiration are what helped make the long hours of hard work worthwhile. 

"I am extremely grateful for the position I'm in, knowing that I've earned the trust to handle such responsibility. My next goal is to open my own gym, ideally with rehabilitation offices attached, if everything goes according to plan."

Justin exemplifies the principle of "you are what you make it." Progress in fitness, work, or life doesn't happen automatically; everything worthwhile requires effort. UB Recreation played a role in introducing Justin to his physical and mental transformation, but it was his strong work ethic that drove his success and will continue to propel him toward his life goals, turning his dreams into reality.