The Graduate School's policy library serves as a resource for both graduate students and their advisors. These policies contain information on official policies and procedures relating to admissions, registration, grading, student records, degree requirements and academic integrity.
The University at Buffalo admission process provides a holistic evaluation of applicants' academic records and experiences. UB expects and assumes all applicants will adhere to the highest standards of integrity by fully and accurately providing the information and documentation required for a comprehensive review. The University reserves the right to revoke admission, reverse a decision, or re-evaluate admission should information an applicant submitted be falsified. Falsified application information may include but is not limited to, making inaccurate or plagiarized statements on the application, withholding information requested on the application, omitting transcripts for prior college-level work, giving false information, or submitting fraudulent or falsified documents in support of a graduate admissions application.
The academic unit* will determine if an admission decision should stand or be withdrawn when violations of admissions integrity are identified prior to matriculation (before the first day of the academic term for which the student was admitted).
After UB matriculation (on or after the first day of the academic term for which the student was admitted), suspected violations of admissions integrity are a violation of the University at Buffalo Student Code of Conduct (Article 3, Item 12: Dishonesty) and will be considered via the process delineated in this policy.
Step 1: If the Office of International Admissions (OIA) or the Office of Graduate Enrollment Services (GES), or the academic unit believes the student committed an act in violation of admissions integrity standards, OIA, GES, or the chair or director of graduate study in the academic unit shall, within 10 academic days** of discovery of the alleged incident:
a) provide a written statement of notification to the Office of Academic Integrity. In the case where the OIA or GES provide a written statement of notification, a copy of such notification will be sent to the academic unit. The Office of Academic Integrity will have a service indicator placed on the student's account. The service indicator will only be removed upon resolution of the admissions integrity case.
b) notify the student, via email to the students UBIT address, the specific allegation(s) and request a written explanation from the student. The student shall have 10 academic days** to provide a written response.
Step 2: If the student responds and the explanation is deemed reasonable by OIA, GES or the academic unit and adequately addresses the concern, the case will be considered resolved and the service indicator will be removed.
If the student does not provide a written response by the deadline, this will be interpreted to mean that the student admits to falsifying application information. If the student does not provide an explanation, or the explanation is deemed unreasonable, inadequate, or inconclusive, the case will move on to the Formal Procedure.
Step 1: The OIA, GES or the academic unit will submit a written request to the Office of Academic Integrity to initiate formal proceedings.
Step 2: The Office of Academic Integrity will officially notify the student via email to the student’s UBIT address of the allegation of admissions dishonesty and the committee hearing process. The student will be given the opportunity to provide a written statement including supporting evidence for the Committee's consideration in advance of the hearing.
Step 3: The Office of Academic Integrity will convene an Admissions Integrity Committee to consider the case within 20 academic days** from the date of the receipt of the request. The committee will consist of members from the academic unit, GES, the Office of Student Conduct, and the Office of Academic Integrity. In cases where international admissions integrity is in question, the OIA must also have representation on the committee. The Admissions Integrity Committee shall give the student at least 72 hours notice of the hearing.
Step 4: At the hearing, the Admissions Integrity Committee shall provide the student sufficient opportunity to present their position. The student shall have the right to be present and have one advisor present at the hearing. In no case shall the advisor be an attorney, unless they are a member of the UB faculty not acting in a legal capacity. An advisor may not speak on behalf of or advocate for a principal or otherwise address members of the hearing committee. These hearings are conducted in confidence. The technical and formal rules of evidence applicable in a court of law are not controlling and the Admissions Integrity Committee may receive and consider all relevant material and reliable evidence that will contribute to an informed result. The chair of the committee may exclude irrelevant or unduly repetitious evidence.
Step 5: Once the hearing has adjourned, the committee will meet privately to deliberate the case. The committee will submit a written statement of findings and sanction recommendations to the Director of the Office of Academic Integrity. The written statement of recommendations shall be submitted to the Director of the Office of Academic Integrity within 10 academic days** after the final meeting of the committee.
Recommendations may include:
a) Dismissal of case: Insufficient evidence shall be grounds for dismissal of a case.
b) Not responsible for breaching admissions integrity standards: No sanctions shall be imposed.
c) Responsible for breaching admissions integrity standards/sanctions imposed: If a majority of the Admissions Integrity Committee is convinced that the student committed a violation, the committee has the right to recommend to the Director of the Office of Academic Integrity one or more of the following sanctions:
I) Warning: Written notice to the student that subsequent repetition of the wrongful conduct may be cause for more severe sanctions.
II) Dismissal from the graduate program to which the student was admitted: Without written comment on the transcript.
III) Dismissal from the graduate program to which the student was admitted: With written comment on the transcript.
IV) Suspension from the university: With written comment on the transcript. (Note: only the university president, or designee, may suspend a student from the university.)
V) Expulsion from the university: With written comment on the transcript. (Note: only the university president, or designee, may expel a student from the university.)
VI) Other sanctions as appropriate to each individual situation.
Step 6: Upon thorough consideration of the committee's findings and recommendations, the Director of the Office of Academic Integrity will render a final decision. The final decision and any sanction(s) imposed shall be submitted in writing from the Director of the Office of Academic Integrity to the student via email to the student's UBIT address within 10 academic days** of receiving the Admissions Integrity Committee's statement of recommendations. The decision of the Director of the Office of Academic Integrity is final, and no further appeal is available.
*Academic unit is defined as either a university department or a graduate program where no departmental affiliation exists.
**Academic days are defined as weekdays, when classes are in session, not including the summer or winter sessions.
Prospective students who wish to pursue graduate study apply directly to a department or graduate program for admission. The individual schools, departments and programs establish their own requirements for admission. In all cases, a baccalaureate degree or its equivalent from an accredited or recognized undergraduate institution is required. Application materials should be requested from the individual school, department or program in which the student wishes to undertake graduate study. A non-refundable application fee, payable in U.S. funds, is required of all applicants for graduate admission.
In general, waivers of graduate application fees are not granted. Categorical exceptions are made only for those applicants who provide sufficient documentation of their participation as an undergraduate student in an EOP, HEOP or SEEK program, or as an undergraduate participant in the CSTEP, MARC, PREP, RISE, LSAMP or McNair Scholars programs on any campus, or as an applicant through Project 1000.
An appeal for a deferral (not a waiver) of the application fee can be made by applicants who provide documentation of their receipt of a GRE Fee Waiver. In all other cases, a deferral (not a waiver) will be considered by the Office of Graduate Enrollment Services only for cases of extreme financial hardship and then only with clear documentation from an appropriate official at an institution of higher education certifying the financial need. Please note that self-declaration of need by an applicant or mere eligibility for student financial aid (loans) is not adequate justification. For more information, applicants should consult the department in which they are applying to graduate study.
Tuition for combined degrees: The 2021-22 tuition structure for combined degree programs is currently under revision, pending guidance from SUNY. Until further guidance is issued, the current policy will be followed:
Combined degree programs offer UB students the opportunity to pursue multiple degree objectives at an accelerated pace and are designed for students who have demonstrated exceptional promise. Combined degree programs pair the curricula of two degree programs from two different levels (e.g., bachelor’s and master’s), resulting in a condensed format where students may complete the combined degree in less time (and often less cost) than is normally required to complete the two degree programs separately. By reducing some courses within the undergraduate major (normally taken near the end of the undergraduate degree) and substituting equivalent graduate-level courses customarily taken during the initial stages of a graduate degree, students are able to shorten the time needed to gain competence in all required curricular content of both degree programs. When completed, students’ records will indicate two degrees individually awarded as part of a combined degree program.
Combined degrees have a two-tier tuition structure. Over the course of a combined degree program, the student is charged the tuition rate each semester that corresponds to the appropriate program rate for that semester. While the student is completing the undergraduate portion, tuition is charged at the undergraduate rate. When the student is admitted at the graduate level, tuition charges change to the appropriate graduate or professional rate. For example, a student pursuing the combined BS/MBA in business administration program is typically required to complete three years of undergraduate coursework and two years of graduate coursework. Thus, the student is classified as undergraduate and is billed at the undergraduate rate for three years. Thereafter, through acceptance to the MBA component in UB’s Graduate Application System, the student matriculates to the graduate level and the student’s bill reflects the appropriate graduate tuition rate until the student completes the combined degree program.
Domestic undergraduate students pursuing combined degree programs may be eligible for New York State sponsored grants and scholarships and federal financial aid, which is comprised of Federal Pell Grants, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (SEOG), Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans and Federal Perkins Loans while completing the undergraduate portion of their program. However, once admitted to the graduate portion of their program and charged graduate tuition, domestic students may no longer be eligible for one or more of these awards. Instead, domestic graduate students are eligible to apply for Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans as well as a Federal Direct Graduate PLUS Loan. For more information regarding student aid and how to apply, please visit UB’s Financial Aid website.
Any student who receives a UB-sponsored undergraduate award (such as an Acker, Provost or Presidential scholarship) and who later pursues a combined degree program, will continue to remain eligible for their undergraduate award through its normal duration (typically four years total) even after matriculating into the graduate portion of their combined degree program. The award amount will continue to be at the undergraduate level.
Any student choosing to leave the combined degree program prior to its completion will have their bill altered in the following manner. A student pursuing the undergraduate portion of the combined program when they choose not to pursue the combined degree program will continue with undergraduate coursework and will be billed accordingly. However, such a student is no longer permitted to pursue a graduate program until they complete the baccalaureate degree in full and is admitted formally to a regular graduate degree program. A student pursuing the graduate portion of the combined degree program when they choose to abandon that combined program of study will continue to be charged at the graduate rate until formally re-matriculated into the undergraduate career for the following semester.
The minimum undergraduate residency requirement for the undergraduate portion of any combined degree program is 18 credit hours. The minimum graduate residency requirement for the graduate portion of any combined degree program varies by program. However, in no case is the graduate residency requirement for any combined degree program ever less than 24 credit hours.
In certain circumstances, a combined degree program may not qualify the student for professional licensure if such licensure requires the completion of a full (non-abbreviated) undergraduate degree program. Students in licensure-eligible programs should discuss these requirements with an advisor to confirm any such limitations.
The minimum cumulative undergraduate grade-point-average (GPA) for admission to master's and PhD programs is 3.0. Departments interested in admitting any applicants with a cumulative undergraduate GPA below 3.0 must petition the Office of Graduate Enrollment Services and provide necessary documentation (transcripts, standardized test scores, etc.) supporting their case. Master’s and PhD program applicants, who have completed at least 12 graduate credits and have a minimum cumulative graduate GPA of at least a 3.0 (or the international equivalent of 12 credits and a 3.0 GPA scale), are waived from the Minimum Undergraduate GPA for Admission requirement.
Students who hold a bachelor's degree are permitted to register for graduate coursework as non-degree students for a maximum of 12 credit hours. Information concerning this opportunity may be obtained from the individual department. Once registration reaches 12 hours, a service indicator will be placed on the student's academic record by the Graduate School prohibiting further registration until the student matriculates into a graduate degree program.
Academic departments may file a semester record activation request for graduate students who were previously admitted into an academic program through UB's Graduate Application System and had a break in attendance of no more than five years and had neglected to secure an approved leave of absence from the Graduate School. Once reviewed and approved by the vice provost for graduate education, a new semester record will be created with exactly the same academic career, program and plan as recorded for the last semester in which the student attended UB. At the time of semester record activation, the student will be assessed a non-refundable record activation fee (currently $350).
It is the prerogative of the academic department to decide whether or not to process/endorse a former student’s request for semester record activation and return to graduate study as described in the previous paragraph. The department also determines how much of the previously completed work may be applied toward the graduate degree program, within established Graduate School guidelines.
Any graduate student who has had an enrollment lapse of more than five years must reapply through the graduate program’s regular application process.
Effective for the Fall 2023 term, the Graduate School will no longer require PhD applicants to submit test scores from the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or other standardized national exams (e.g., Miller Analogies Test [MAT]) for admission to UB PhD programs. PhD Program Directors may decide if PhD admissions requirements for their program will include or exclude the GRE or other standardized tests. All PhD program admissions requirements must be clearly communicated to prospective applicants.
Currently enrolled UB graduate students need only to register in order to attend summer sessions. Students enrolled in graduate programs at other universities or students who have completed a baccalaureate degree may register as non-degree students for the summer session. Non-degree students must first secure the approval of the appropriate department or faculty member for each graduate level course to be taken.
In order to be compliant with federal regulations pertaining to the admission and enrollment of international students, the Office of International Admissions (OIA) must review all international applicants the department wishes to accept. OIA checks and verifies all academic documents, test scores and financial documentation, as well as the offer letter from the department. After reviewing submitted dossiers, OIA enters a decision in UB's Graduate Application System ("Accept Provisional" or "Accept Final"). This action triggers an automatic email confirmation of acceptance to the student from the dean of the Graduate School.
The Cambridge English Proficiency (CEP) exam is also known as the Cambridge C2 Proficiency. Although departments may require higher scores, the university's official minimum score for the CEP (C2 Proficiency) is 185 (out of 230).
The Cambridge English Advanced (CAE) is also known as the Cambridge C1 Advanced. Although departments may require higher scores, the university's official minimum score for the CAE (C1 Advanced) is also 185 (out of 210).
UB does not currently require minimum cut-off scores for the subsections. However graduate admission committees are advised to examine and consider section scores as they are relevant to the linguistic needs and expectations of their departments.
Students who are Canadian citizens with Indigenous status do not need immigration documents and may be eligible to pay in-state tuition rates if they meet certain domicile requirements. However Canadian Indigenous status does not change a student's citizenship nor the manner UB is required to enter that student into university computer systems. Admission records indicate these students as Canadian citizens. Because the Office of International Admissions is not authorized to show a non-U.S. citizen as having in-state status, the student should visit 1Capen (ground floor of Capen Hall) to take the next steps for approval of in-state residency status. Details about in-state tuition, domicile requirements for New York State residency and deadlines can be found on the UB Student Accounts website.
Graduate applicants with English language proficiency test scores below the standard cut-off scores may be admitted to UB under the following condition: The student must enroll in and successfully complete one of two full time intensive English programs (IEP) in the UB English Language Institute (ELI), depending on score received, as detailed below:
University admission cannot be offered if the ELP score is below the minimum scores indicated above.
Upon successfully completing the required UB ELI IEP program, the student is free to begin the academic degree program of study with no further English as a Second Language (ESL) requirements (with the exception of international teaching, research and graduate assistants, who may be required to register for ESL 512). "Successful completion" is defined as passing the IEP (with an overall grade of C or higher) and meeting the IEP minimum attendance policy or having the endorsement of IEP teachers and the director or associate director of the IEP.
Conditional admission is not granted retroactively (for example, an applicant “self-placing” into the UB ELI IEP, successfully completing the program, and then seeking admission to a UB graduate degree program with no ELP test score or with a low ELP test score). Conditional admission is a “package” offered by the academic department based on the minimum criteria above.
In addition, SEVIS regulations do not permit a "combined" I-20 issued for both the IEP language study and the degree program study. Students admitted with conditional admission will be issued a “stand alone” I-20 for the IEP study only. Upon successfully completing the IEP program, a "continuing" I-20 will be issued for the degree study.
International applicants who desire or need to improve their English language proficiency may do so through the university's English Language Institute, which offers Intensive English Programs during the fall, spring and summer semesters. For further information, contact the English Language Institute, 320 Baldy Hall, North Campus, 716-645-2077.
Unless exempted or waived from the requirement, all international applicants must demonstrate proficiency in the English language by submitting official test scores from one of the following English language proficiency tests:
Test Name | Minimum Score Required |
TOEFL IBT | 79 |
TOEFL Home Edition | 79 |
TOEFL Essentials | 8.5 |
TOEFL ITP Plus | 550* |
IELTS and IELTS Indicator | 6.5 |
PTE—Academic and Academic Online | 55 |
CPE (Cambridge English Proficiency Exam) and/or the CAE (Cambridge English Advanced Exam) | 185 |
DET (Duolingo English Test) | 120 |
Overall, UB does not currently require minimum cut-off scores for any subsections of the tests listed above. However, graduate admission committees are advised to examine and consider the various English Language Proficiency section scores as they are relevant to the linguistic needs and expectations of their departments.
Scores must be dated within two years of the time the application is reviewed by International Admissions in UB's Graduate Application System. Scores must be sent directly to UB by the testing agency.
*Institutional versions of the TOEFL test, unless conducted and issued by UB's English Language Institute, are not accepted for admission purposes.
Unless exempted or waived from the English language proficiency requirement, all international applicants must demonstrate proficiency by submitting official test scores from one of the approved English language proficiency tests. The following categories of international applicants are automatically exempt from the English language proficiency requirement. However graduate admission committees are advised to holistically consider all applicants’ English language proficiency and the needs and expectations of the department to ensure that the student will be successful.
Unless exempted or waived from the English language proficiency requirement, all international applicants must demonstrate proficiency by submitting official test scores from one of the approved English language proficiency tests. In rare circumstances, UB academic programs (the UB department, not the applicant/student) may petition the Office of International Admissions for an ELP waiver/exception. Through the university’s graduate application system, the academic program will complete an online petition form and submit a written justification for the waiver request along with compelling supporting evidence. Copies of all of the applicant’s transcripts, copies of all standardized tests taken (e.g., TOEFL, IELTS, PTE, GRE, GMAT, DUO, etc.), and an up-to-date CV/resume must be submitted. The petition will be reviewed by International Admissions and a decision communicated to the program.
UB does not offer English language proficiency examinations on arrival nor does UB “defer” the English language proficiency requirement (with a test upon arrival). Unless exempted or waived from the requirement, all international applicants must demonstrate proficiency by submitting official test scores from one of the approved English language proficiency tests
All international applicants must document their ability to meet all educational and personal expenses for the duration of their programs. Applicants will receive more detailed information regarding this requirement with their application. Funds must be documented with liquid assets in the form of bank statements, mutual funds, certificates of deposit, stocks, etc. Documentation must be original and dated within one year of the date the student will enroll at UB.
International applicants are eligible for departmental assistantships and some Graduate School fellowships. International students are not eligible for any New York State or federal scholarships or loans. No other financial assistance is available for international students.
A Certificate of Visa Eligibility may only be issued after the applicant has satisfied both the English proficiency and financial requirements and after department recommendation for admission is made and academic documentation reviewed by the Office of International Admissions.
Although departments may require higher scores, the university's official minimum score for the IELTS is 6.5 (out of 9.0).
UB does not currently require minimum cut-off scores for the four individual subsections. However graduate admission committees are advised to examine and consider section scores as they are relevant to the linguistic needs and expectations of their departments.
IELTS scores must be dated within two years of the time the application is reviewed by International Admissions in UB's Graduate Application System. Scores must be sent directly to UB by the testing agency.
In addition to the English language proficiency requirement (demonstrated with a valid score from one of UB's approved English language proficiency tests), any international student who has been awarded a Graduate Assistant (GA) or Research Assistant (RA) position must also demonstrate English language speaking proficiency by achieving and submitting one of the following minimum Speaking test sub-scores:
Test Name | Minimum SPEAKING Sub-Score |
TOEFL IBT Speaking | 22 |
IELTS Speaking | 6.5 |
DET (Duolingo English Test) Speaking | 120 |
Any international student awarded a GA or RA position whose speaking sub-scores are below these thresholds must enroll in and successfully complete ELI512, Oral Communication for International Assistantships prior to being assigned assistantship duties at UB.
The University at Buffalo welcomes applications from qualified international students. Application information regarding specific programs may be obtained by contacting the academic department in which enrollment is desired. Applicants presenting international educational credentials must possess a university degree that is recognized as equivalent to a U.S. bachelor's degree prior to beginning graduate study. International applicants must meet the following requirements imposed by university policy and by U.S. Immigration Service regulations.
In addition to the English language proficiency requirement (demonstrated with a valid score from one of UB's approved English language proficiency tests), any international student who has been awarded a teaching assistantship must also demonstrate English language speaking proficiency by achieving and submitting one of the following minimum Speaking test sub-scores:
Test Name | Minimum SPEAKING Sub-Score |
TOEFL IBT Speaking | 25 |
IELTS Speaking | 7.5 |
DET (Duolingo English Test) Speaking | 145 |
Any international student awarded a Teaching Assistantship (TA), whose speaking sub-scores are below these thresholds but not lower than 22 on TOEFL iBT Speaking, 6.5 on IELTS Speaking, or 120 on DET Speaking is considered a candidate for TA responsibilities and must be approved for teaching assignment through a successful in-person teaching demonstration conducted by UB's English Language Institute (ELI) and home department faculty representative(s). A student awarded a TA appointment, who upon arrival to campus fails an in person speaking or teaching demonstration, or whose speaking scores are lower than candidate minimums, must enroll in and successfully complete ELI512, Oral Communication for International Assistantships prior to being assigned assistantship duties at UB.
Although departments may require higher scores, the university's official minimum score for the PTE is 55 (out of 90).
UB does not currently require minimum cut-off scores for the four Communicative Skills subsections. However graduate admission committees are advised to examine and consider section scores as they are relevant to the linguistic needs and expectations of their departments.
PTE scores must be dated within two years of the time the application is reviewed by International Admissions in UB's Graduate Application System. Scores must be sent directly to UB by the testing agency.
Although departments may require higher scores, the university's official minimum score for the TOEFL is:
UB does not currently require minimum cut-off scores for the four individual subsections. However graduate admission committees are advised to examine and consider section scores as they are relevant to the linguistic needs and expectations of their departments.
Institutional versions of the TOEFL test (ITP), unless conducted and issued by UB’s English Language Institute, are not valid and cannot be used for admission purposes.
TOEFL scores must be dated within two years of the time the application is reviewed by International Admissions in UB's Graduate Application System. Scores must be sent directly to UB by the testing agency.