
The Baldy Center is a focal point for the large group of scholars working on law, legal institutions, and social policy in the University at Buffalo community. The Center has a small staff working with the director and seven-member advisory council to aid and strengthen the larger community of scholars. The Baldy Center and Buffalo's scholarly community are also closely connected to regional, national, and global sociolegal scholars.

  • Advisory Council
    The Baldy Center Advisory Council works with the Director to develop policy for The Center—its vision, mission and operational guidelines. The Council also reviews The Baldy Center programs and makes recommendations for their improvement. Council members are accomplished scholars who represent a variety of disciplinary perspectives in socio-legal studies.
  • Director
    Matthew Dimick is Professor of Law at the University at Buffalo School of Law and, from 2024, director of The Baldy Center for Law and Social Policy. His scholarship can be broadly categorized under the heading of law and political economy.
  • Leadership and Staff
    The Baldy Center staff includes faculty, research faculty, administrators, and students who focus on supporting and fostering innovative research in law, legal institutions, and social policy. 
  • Fellows in Interdisciplinary Legal Studies
    Fellows contribute greatly to the vitality of The Baldy Center community. 
  • Reviewers
    The Baldy Center relies heavily on the work of faculty members who give their time to serve on review committees. These committees review significant proposals for the commitment of valued Baldy resources, including for research grants, conferences and workshops, fellowships, and other initiatives. While we do not publicize membership of individual review committees, we do wish to acknowledge the invaluable assistance of the people who have served on committees in recent years. They are listed below.