UB’s South Campus is located between Main Street, Bailey Avenue, and Winspear Avenue. The schools of Architecture and Planning, Dental Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Public Health and Health Professions are all located here. See a South Campus map.
Directions may not always reflect real-world conditions (e.g., weather, construction, special events, etc.).
Accessible parking for Abbott Hall is available from Diefendorf Loop.
There are accessible parking spaces on the west side of the building.
The shortest path of travel to a barrier-free entrance in Abbott Hall is 180 feet:
Feature | Available |
Automatic door | Yes |
Ramp | Not applicable |
Bicycle rack | Not applicable |
To report a problem or provide feedback about these directions, please contact Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at equity@buffalo.edu.
Accessible parking for Allen Hall is available from Allen Special Lot.
The Allen Special Lot is on the northeast side of Allen Hall and is located between the Allen Lot and the NFTA Park & Ride lot and is accessible from the south side of Main Street.
There are accessible parking spaces on the west side of the building.
The shortest path of travel to a barrier-free entrance in Allen Hall is 100 feet:
Feature | Available |
Automatic door | Yes |
Ramp | Not applicable |
Bicycle rack | Not applicable |
To report a problem or provide feedback about these directions, please contact Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at equity@buffalo.edu.
Accessible parking for Beck and Townsend Halls is available from Hayes Road.
There are accessible parking spaces on the west side of the building.
Please note: Beck Hall does not have an accessible entrance.
To report a problem or provide feedback about these directions, please contact Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at equity@buffalo.edu.
Accessible parking for Biomedical Education Building is available from Diefendorf Loop.
There are accessible parking spaces on the west side of the building.
The shortest path of travel to a barrier-free entrance to Biomedical Education Building is 80 feet:
Feature | Available |
Automatic door | Yes |
Ramp | Yes |
Bicycle rack | Not Applicable |
To report a problem or provide feedback about these directions, please contact Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at equity@buffalo.edu.
Accessible parking for Cary Hall is available from Diefendorf Loop.
There are accessible parking spaces on the west side of the building.
The shortest path of travel to a barrier-free entrance in Cary Hall is 80 feet:
Feature | Available |
Automatic door | Yes |
Ramp | Yes |
Bicycle rack | Not applicable |
Map of Cary Hall and accessible parking spaces.
To report a problem or provide feedback about these directions, please contact Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at equity@buffalo.edu.
Accessible parking for Childcare Center is available from Goodyear Road, across Michael Road.
There are accessible parking spaces on the west side of the building.
The shortest path of travel to a barrier-free entrance to Childcare Center is 570 feet:
Feature | Available |
Automatic door | Yes |
Ramp | Yes |
Bicycle rack | Not applicable |
To report a problem or provide feedback about these directions, please contact Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at equity@buffalo.edu.
Accessible parking for Clark Hall is available from Hayes Road.
There is accessible parking space on the west side of the building.
The shortest path of travel to a barrier-free entrance in Clark Hall is 535 feet:
Feature | Available |
Automatic door | Yes |
Ramp | Yes |
Bicycle rack | Yes |
To report a problem or provide feedback about these directions, please contact Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at equity@buffalo.edu.
Accessible parking for Clement Hall is available from Clement Lot across Goodyear Road.
There are accessible parking spaces on the west side of the building.
The shortest path of travel to a barrier-free entrance in Clement Hall is 40 feet:
Feature | Available |
Automatic door | Yes |
Ramp | Not applicable |
Bicycle rack | Not applicable |
To report a problem or provide feedback about these directions, please contact Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at equity@buffalo.edu.
Accessible parking for Crosby Hall is available from Hayes Road.
There are four accessible parking spaces on the southwest side of the building: two spaces facing Crosby Hall and two spaces facing Hayes Hall.
The shortest path of travel to a barrier-free entrance in Crosby Hall is 175 feet:
Feature | Available |
Automatic door | Yes |
Ramp | Yes |
Bicycle rack | Not applicable |
To report a problem or provide feedback about these directions, please contact Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at equity@buffalo.edu.
Accessible parking for Diefendorf Hall is available from Diefendorf Loop.
There are accessible parking spaces on the west side of the building.
The shortest path of travel to a barrier-free entrance in Diefendorf Hall is 125 feet:
This path of travel is 270 feet to the barrier-free entrance at the front of Diefendorf Hall:
Feature | Available |
Automatic door | Yes |
Ramp | Yes |
Bicycle rack | Not applicable |
To report a problem or provide feedback about these directions, please contact Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at equity@buffalo.edu.
Accessible parking for Farber Hall is available from Micheal Hall/Farber Lot.
There are accessible parking spaces on the west side of the building.
The shortest path of travel to a barrier-free entrance in Farber Hall is 135 feet:
Feature | Available |
Automatic door | Yes |
Ramp | Not applicable |
Bicycle rack | Not applicable |
To report a problem or provide feedback about these directions, please contact Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at equity@buffalo.edu.
Foster Hall is currently closed for renovation.
Accessible parking for Goodyear Lot is available from Goodyear Road.
There are accessible parking spaces on the west side of the building.
The shortest path of travel to a barrier-free entrance in Goodyear Hall is 240 feet:
Feature | Available |
Automatic door | Yes |
Ramp | Not applicable |
Bicycle rack | Yes |
To report a problem or provide feedback about these directions, please contact Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at equity@buffalo.edu.
Accessible parking for Harriman Hall is available from Diefendorf Loop.
There are accessible parking spaces on the west side of the building.
The shortest path of travel to a barrier-free entrance in Harriman Hall is 260 feet:
Feature | Available |
Automatic door | Yes |
Ramp | Not applicable |
Bicycle rack | Yes |
To report a problem or provide feedback about these directions, please contact Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at equity@buffalo.edu.
Accessible parking for Hayes Hall is available from Hayes Road.
There are accessible parking spaces on the west side of the building.
The shortest path of travel to a barrier-free entrance in Hayes Hall is 285 feet:
Feature | Available |
Automatic door | Yes |
Ramp | Yes |
Bicycle rack | Yes |
To report a problem or provide feedback about these directions, please contact Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at equity@buffalo.edu.
Accessible parking for Kimball Tower is available from Tower Lot, across Hayes Road.
There are accessible parking spaces on the west side of the building.
The shortest path of travel to a barrier-free entrance to Kimball Tower is 240 feet:
Feature | Available |
Automatic door | Yes |
Ramp | Yes |
Bicycle rack | Not applicable |
To report a problem or provide feedback about these directions, please contact Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at equity@buffalo.edu.
Accessible parking for Michael Hall is available from Michael Lot, from Michael Road.
There are accessible parking spaces on the west side of the building.
The shortest path of travel to a barrier-free entrance in Michael Hall is 75 feet:
Feature | Available |
Automatic door | Yes |
Ramp | Not applicable |
Bicycle rack | Not applicable |
To report a problem or provide feedback about these directions, please contact Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at equity@buffalo.edu.
Accessible parking for Parker Hall is available from Hayes Road.
There are accessible parking spaces on the west side of the building.
The shortest path of travel to a barrier-free entrance in Parker Hall is 45 feet:
This path of travel is 82 feet from the barrier-free entrance at the front (north side) of Parker Hall:
Feature | Available |
Automatic door | Yes |
Ramp | Not applicable |
Bicycle rack | Yes |
To report a problem or provide feedback about these directions, please contact Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at equity@buffalo.edu.
Accessible parking for Pharmacy Building is available from Hayes Road.
There are accessible parking spaces on the west side of the building.
The shortest path of travel to a barrier-free entrance in Pharmacy Building is 205 feet:
Feature | Available |
Automatic door | Yes |
Ramp | Not applicable |
Bicycle rack | Not applicable |
To report a problem or provide feedback about these directions, please contact Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at equity@buffalo.edu.
Accessible parking for Sherman Hall is available from (Diefendorf Loop).
There are accessible parking spaces on the west side of the building.
The shortest path of travel to a barrier-free entrance in Sherman Hall is 55 feet:
This path of travel is 200 feet to the barrier-free entrance at the front of Sherman Hall:
Feature | Available |
Automatic door | Yes |
Ramp | Not applicable |
Bicycle rack | Not applicable |
To report a problem or provide feedback about these directions, please contact Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at equity@buffalo.edu.
Accessible parking for Squire Hall is available from Hayes Road.
There are accessible parking spaces on the west side of the building.
The shortest path of travel to a barrier-free entrance in Squire Hall is 100 feet:
Feature | Available |
Automatic door | Yes |
Ramp | Not applicable |
Bicycle rack | Yes |
To report a problem or provide feedback about these directions, please contact Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at equity@buffalo.edu.
Accessible parking for Townsend Hall is available from Hayes Road.
There are accessible parking spaces on the west side of the building.
The shortest path of travel to a barrier-free entrance in Townsend Hall is 95 feet:
Feature | Available |
Automatic door | Yes |
Ramp | Yes |
Bicycle rack | Not applicable |
To report a problem or provide feedback about these directions, please contact Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at equity@buffalo.edu.
Accessible parking for Wende Hall is available from Hayes Road.
There are accessible parking spaces on the east side of the building.
The shortest path of travel to a barrier-free entrance in Wende Hall is 125 feet:
Wende Feature | Available |
Automatic door | Yes |
Ramp | Yes |
Bicycle rack | Not applicable |
To report a problem or provide feedback about these directions, please contact Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at equity@buffalo.edu.