Campus News

UB reports 3 positive COVID-19 cases at the university


Published August 26, 2020


UB has learned that two students in the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences have tested positive for COVID-19. The cases are not related.

The first student case was disclosed to Jacobs School students, faculty and staff via email on Friday. The second student case was reported Tuesday. In accordance with the university’s Health and Safety Guidelines, faculty, staff and students within the Jacobs School were notified about the cases and were advised to monitor their health.

Unrelated to these two cases, the university was notified Tuesday by the Erie County Department of Health that a faculty member who has been working remotely has tested positive for COVID-19. The faculty member, who is not part of the medical school, is in isolation at home. The faculty member came to campus briefly one day and had very limited interaction at the university.

In accordance with UB’s Health and Safety Guidelines, individuals who test positive for COVID-19 exposure or have symptoms are immediately sent home, or to a designated quarantine or isolation location.

Both medical students are self-isolating in their off-campus residences, and are taking classes remotely.

Custodial staff has thoroughly cleaned and sanitized the affected areas within the Jacobs School building on UB’s Downtown Campus.

“Based on the timing of when these students were last in our building at 955 Main St., we believe that there was limited exposure to others in the building,” David A. Milling, senior associate dean for student and academic affairs, and Alan J. Lesse, senior associate dean for medical curriculum, wrote in the email.

Fall semester classes in the Jacobs School started Aug. 6. The official first day of the semester for UB is Aug. 31, with classes taking place under a “modified in-person” format, which is significantly reducing the density of people on UB’s campuses.

Per UB guidelines, the university will immediately coordinate with the state and local health departments whenever there is a known, confirmed case of COVID-19 on campus. The university will also support the Erie County Department of Health’s contact tracing procedures in accordance with the New York State Contact Tracing Program. Confidentiality will be maintained as required by federal and state laws and regulations.

The university is prepared to respond immediately to positive cases among the UB community when they occur. All members of the UB community are reminded to adhere very closely to UB’s health guidelines: Wear a face covering at all times when in public spaces on the campuses; practice physical distancing and do not gather in large groups; complete the daily health check-in; wash your hands regularly; stay home when you’re sick and seek immediate medical attention if you’re experiencing COVID-19 symptoms.

The university will continue to keep the UB community informed of positive cases at UB via a dashboard on the university’s COVID-19 planning and response website.