Membership FAQs

faculty and staff at UB Pride 2022.

UB faculty and staff colleagues after the UB Pride Parade in 2022.

Membership FAQs answer questions about eligibility, membership dues, and terms.

Who can become a member of the LGBTQ FSA?

Membership is open to all full-time, part-time, or retired faculty and professional staff of the University at Buffalo who agree to the purposes stated in the constitution and contribute $30 dues on an annual basis.

Member Eligibility

As outlined in the Association bylaws, eligibility for general membership shall be available to all full-time, part-time, or retired faculty and professional staff. While the events, initiatives and strategic plans of the Association are developed with general membership needs in mind, the Association also recognizes that FSA offerings may also meet the needs of para-professional members of the UB community. When appropriate, UB students or para-professionals are welcome to attend events and utilize the offerings of the FSA.

Inclusion Statement

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Faculty and Staff Association (“LGBTQ FSA” or “Association”), uses the LGBTQ acronym to refer to any person who identifies with an underrepresented sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. The Association recognizes, welcomes and is inclusive of all identities. The Association does not restrict membership or discriminate on the basis of any social identity, including sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.

Can I still participate if I’m not an Active, dues-paying member?

While the events, initiatives and strategic plans of the Association are developed with the needs of those who meet member eligibility and pay dues in mind, the Association also recognizes that FSA offerings may also meet the needs or be of interest to those who do not meet member eligibility. When appropriate, members of the UB community outside of the official FSA membership are welcome to attend events and utilize the offerings of the FSA.

How long does my membership last?

Membership dues open at the beginning of every academic year in September. Dues paying members maintain active member status until August 31. Active member status includes eligibility to vote on Association business and in executive board elections.

When did the LGBTQ FSA start collecting dues?

On April 11, 2019, the LGBTQ FSA membership listserv voted to approve a first constitution and bylaws for the Association. The bylaws outlined a process for collecting annual dues to support and sustain the FSA. The vote also approved $30 as the amount to be assessed as annual dues. The 2020-2021 academic year was the first official membership registration and dues cycle for the FSA.

Why are dues $30?

The $30 amount was determined based on membership feedback gathered in 2018 and 2019 surveys distributed to the LGBTQ FSA membership listserv, as well as steering committee deliberation. The vast majority of survey respondents indicated willingness to pay annual dues equal to or greater than $30. The amount is also consistent with dues gathered by similar organizations.

The collection of membership dues was a long-term goal of the FSA and was a part of the Association’s most recent strategic plan. A history of the Association’s progress and strategic planning is available online.


A generous anonymous donor has provided funds to pay for a limited number of 2021-2022 memberships for faculty and staff who might not have the financial means to purchase a membership for themselves. Those interested may indicate so in their membership registration.

What are dues used for?

Membership dues will support and sustain FSA, including scholarship initiatives for LGBTQ+ student leadership and activism. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people are historically marginalized and LGBTQ+ faculty, staff, and student visibility, along with leadership and activism, contributes a more inclusive, proud University community.

How can I become a member?

Becoming a member and paying membership dues is easy! Follow two online steps:

  1. Complete the online Membership Application.
  2. Pay membership does in the UB Marketplace Store.

Frequently Asked Questions: