Support 2023-24 Faculty Staff Campaign

Published September 20, 2023

UB has officially launched the 2023-24 Faculty Staff Campaign, giving employees the opportunity to support an area of the university that is most meaningful to them.

There are different funds that support things like scholarships, research, student emergency funds, athletics and more. All gifts to these funds are part of the UB Faculty Staff Campaign and make a tremendous difference to students.

UB employees are encouraged to visit the campaign’s website for details on how to take advantage of the SUNY Impact Foundation New York State charitable tax credit program. But act fast: The deadline to take advantage of this program ends Sept. 30.

It’s the participation that counts, and every gift, no matter the size, is important.

Join co-chairs Amanda Nickerson and Nancy Nielsen and show your UB pride by making a gift to the UB Faculty Staff Campaign.