UB joins faculty development group

Published April 5, 2022

UB has become an institutional member of the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD), an independent professional development, training and mentoring community that supports faculty members, postdocs and graduate students in making successful transitions throughout their careers.

UB joins more than 250 colleges and universities across the country as institutional members.

NCFDD provides access to mentoring, tools and other support focusing on four key areas designed to help faculty increase their writing and research productivity while maintaining a full and healthy life off campus: strategic planning, productivity, healthy relationships and work-life balance.

Members can take advantage of a variety of programs, among them workshops, webinars, podcasts and a 14-day “writing challenge.”

Although NCFDD’s services are geared toward faculty, anyone with a “buffalo.edu” email address can join as part of UB’s institutional membership.

Visit the membership page to join.