Justice Ginsburg’s visit generates worldwide attention

A screen grab from a CBS News story showing Justice Ginsburg being hooded by President Satish K. Tripathi and Merryl Tisch, interim chair of the SUNY Board of Trustees.

CBS News broadcast a story about Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg visiting UB to receive a SUNY honorary degree. Here, Justice Ginsburg is being hooded by President Satish K. Tripathi and Merryl Tisch, interim chairman of the SUNY Board of Trustees. At the podium is SUNY Chancellor Kristina M. Johnson.


Published August 29, 2019 This content is archived.

Monday’s visit to UB by U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg produced an immense amount of news coverage nationally and internationally, shining the spotlight on UB and bringing positive exposure to the university.

Data compiled by the media-monitoring company Meltwater showed that nearly 2,400 print, broadcast and online news stories were produced from Sunday through 2 p.m. on Wednesday, almost 48 hours after Justice Ginsburg visited UB to receive a SUNY honorary degree.

Stories ranged from national and international coverage in such publications as USA Today, CNN, Time, ABC News, the Associated Press, the CBS Evening News, Fox News, CNBC, the Hill and Reuters, as well as local and regional outlets including The Buffalo News, New York Daily News, all three Buffalo television stations, WBFO and WBEN radio, and the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle.

Online print stories appeared in 21 countries, in addition to the U.S., and reports were broadcast in every state in the U.S. On social media, there were more than 13,000 posts commenting on or sharing video and images from Justice Ginsburg’s visit to UB. There even was a UB-RBG Giphy story making the rounds online, and linking directly to UB’s You Tube video of the justice’s appearance.

The potential reach of the news coverage and social media postings was in the hundreds of millions — with UB’s people and brand identity featured front-and-center.

“Justice Ginsburg’s visit to UB was truly an historic and memorable one for the university, and given the concerns about her health, it was very significant on a global level, too,” said John DellaContrada, vice president for communications. “UB’s event organizers did an amazing job preparing the university to be a gracious host to the justice while also ensuring the university would shine brightly on the world stage.”