EAP offers support groups

Published July 2, 2019 This content is archived.

UB’s Employee Assistance Program offers on-going support groups to help faculty, staff and their families deal with a variety of issues.

Attendance is free. All groups meet monthly from noon to 1 p.m.

The Caregiver Support Group meets the third Tuesday of the month in the HRD Building adjacent to Crofts Hall. The group is designed to provide caregivers of aging parents and loved ones support, resources and ways to manage the everyday demands of caregiving. For more information, contact Sue Bagdasarian at 645-8167 or sb14@buffalo.edu.

The Workplace Stress Group meets the third Wednesday of the month on the North Campus. The group offers members ideas for coping with stress at home, as well as in the workplace. For more information, contact Neil McGillicuddy at 645-4458 or nm23@buffalo.edu.

UB’s Employee Assistance Program offers UB faculty and staff confidential information and referrals for medical, financial, emotional, social and job-related concerns, as well as work-place conflict resolution. For more information, visit EAP’s website.