The LaVision FlowMaster Time-Resolved Tomographic Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) system offers high-resolution, high-speed tomographic particle image velocimetry and 3D particle tracking for studying complex flows. It is ideal for investigating unsteady swirling flows, turbulence-particle dynamics, and flow-structure interactions, e.g., spread of fires, autonomous drone aerodynamics, aneurysm treatment, novel engine designs, pollutant dispersion, waterway-ecosystem management, and wind-turbine aerodynamics.
It includes two high-speed pulsed lasers for tracer-particle illumination, four high-speed 4-megapixel video cameras to capture particle images from different viewpoints, a high-end PC for data acquisition and processing, a mobile optical table with framing for laser and camera mounting, and all the necessary optical components and system accessories (e.g., calibration targets).
This instrumentation was purchased via an NSF Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) grant, with cost-sharing from the School of Engineering & Applied Sciences (SEAS), the College of Arts & Sciences (CAS), and the Office of the Vice President for Research and Economic Development (OVPRED).
Matthew Ringuette
Associate Professor
327 Jarvis Hall
(716) 645-1461
By appointment; please contact Matthew Ringuette.
High-Speed 3D Velocimetry System Facility
311 Jarvis Hall
University at Buffalo
North Campus
Buffalo, NY
Detail of laser dual-heads, for the two high-speed (1 kHz) 30mJ/pulse Nd:YLF (527 nm) lasers.
Two high-speed (1 kHz) dual-head 30mJ/pulse Nd:YLF (527 nm) lasers and their chiller units (large optical table not included with the instrument).
Camera lens types available for the instrument.
Instrumentation setup for training, using an aquarium jet flow.
Dual-layer calibration target illuminated by the lasers.
Articulated, counter-balanced light arm for flexible and adjustable delivery of laser beams.
Coming soon.