Freeze Dry System - Labconco FreeZone® Triad™ (Model 700040)
The Labconco FreeZone® Triad™ Freeze Dry System (Model 700040) is designed for laboratory lyophilization procedures.
The freeze drying process is important in sample preparation and for the preservation and storage of biological, pharmaceuticals and foods. Other than food processing (e.g., coffee, whole dinners), freeze drying has been extensively used in the development of pharmaceuticals (e.g., antibiotics) and preservation of biologicals (e.g., proteins, plasma, viruses and cell lines). The nondestructive nature of this process has been demonstrated by the retention of viability in freeze dried viruses and microorganisms.
* All temperature specifications @ 20 °C ambient
Materials Characterization Laboratory
Furnas Hall room #109/110
University at Buffalo North Campus
Buffalo, NY 14260
Category A Rates
Donald J. Goralski
Director, Shared Instrumentation Laboratories
(716) 645-5151
For technical inquiries, contact:
Zongmin (Shirley) Bei, PhD
Senior Research Support Specialist
Shared Instrumentation Laboratories (716) 645-5165