Working Groups

  • Autonomy, Addiction, and Accountability
    Robert Kelly  leads the Autonomy, Addiction, and Accountability Working Group. Members include  Jim Delaney, Jack Freer, Robert Kelly, David Hershenov, Steve Kershnar, and, John Keller.
  • Clinical Ethics
    Jack Freer, RCCE Co-Director, leads the Clinical Ethics Working Group. Members include Steven Wear, Harvey Berman, James Delaney, Peter Koch, and Philip Reed.
  • Creation and Enhancement
    Rose Hershenov leads the RCCE Working Group on Creation and Enhancement. Members include Jim Delaney, Steve Kershnar, David Hershenov, and Barry Smith.
  • End of Life Issues
    Phil Reed leads the RCCE Working Group on End of Life Issues. Members include  Harvey Berman, Neil Feit,, David Hershenov, Steve Kershnar, Catherine Nolan, Travis Timmerman, and, Finn Wilson.
  • Health, Harm, and Well-Being
    Neil Feit leads the Working Group on Health, Harm, and Well-Being. Members include Jim Delaney, Alex Gillham, David Hershenov, Steve Kershnar, and, Travis Timmerman.
  • Ontology of Health and Disease
    Barry Smith leads the RCCE Working Group, Ontology of Health and Disease. Members include Jim Delaney, David Hershenov, Rose Hershenov, Neil Williams, and,  Finn WIlson.
  • Philosophical Foundations of Bioethics
    Steve Kershnar leads the Working Group on Philosophical Foundations of Bioethics. Members include Jim Delaney, David Hershenov,, Phil Reed, Travis Timmerman, Catherine Nolan, and, Peter Koch.
  • Research Ethics
    Jack Freer, RCCE Co-Founder, leads the Working Group on Research Ethics. Members include Barry Smith, Harvey Berman, Steve Wear, Rose Hershenov, and Peter Koch.