Officer facing murder in prisoner death opts for bench trial

Published June 6, 2016 This content is archived.


An Associated Press article about a Baltimore police officer facing the most serious charge in the death of Freddie Gray, the black man whose neck was broken in the back of a transport wagon, who Monday waived his right to a jury trial and instead opted to have his case heard by a judge, quotes Guyora Binder, SUNY Distinguished Professor of Law and Hodgson Russ Faculty Scholar. “The Freddie Gray case has gotten a lot of attention and there was a great deal of public outrage in Baltimore as well as across the country, so there is good reason for the defense to fear that a Baltimore jury would be very willing to convict a police officer as being responsible for Freddie Gray’s death,” he said. The article appeared in news outlets throughout the nation, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, ABC News, Chicago Tribune, Houston Chronicle and San Francisco Chronicle.

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