Expert Commentary

Updated January 11, 2024

The views and opinions expressed by faculty in commentary to news media are based on their scholarship and/or research and do not represent the official positions of the University at Buffalo.

UB faculty are frequently called upon to offer their thoughts and opinions on a variety of issues relative to the current public discourse.

Exploring difficult topics from diverse points of view is very much part of UB¹s academic mission.  The freedom of faculty to discuss topics related to their areas of scholarship and research is fundamental to that objective.  Sometimes these topics are contentious, but we believe that constructive dialogue is essential for fostering a better understanding of the world we share. 

University Communications works with our faculty in an effort to provide internal and external media with meaningful and thoughtful opinions on a variety of topics and current events for publication.

When public comment on behalf of the university is requested, an appropriate spokesperson will be identified by UB¹s senior leadership and/or the vice president for university communications. Faculty are always free to discuss any topics related to their areas of academic expertise, but no one is to speak on behalf of the university nor interpret university policy unless designated by the administration as a spokesperson.