Barnes | Farrell
A six-wave longitudinal study of family influences on the development of adolescent alcohol misuse has been carried out with funding from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Respondents in the general population of Western New York were first interviewed in 1989 and were re-interviewed at yearly intervals though 1996. Adolescents were 13-16 years old at wave one and 18-22 years old at wave six. The sample consisted of over 600 adolescents as well as mothers, fathers, and adolescent siblings. Later waves included an adolescent peer who was independently interviewed. Over 10,000 individual interviews were carried out with target adolescents and significant others over the course of six waves of data collection. Numerous presentations and publications have been completed. Key longitudinal analyses using six waves of data show that parenting practices, particularly, support and monitoring, influence the onset of alcohol misuse and the trajectory of alcohol misuse over the course of adolescence. Funded by grants of $3,148,373 from NIAAA, 1989-97.