Ecological and Sociocultural Influences on Native American Gambling and Alcohol Use

Barnes | Welte | Tidwell | Patterson | Spicer

This study examined the effects of gambling availability and sociodemographic factors on gambling and alcohol abuse among Native Americans in the U.S.

Survey of Native American Gambling.

In this national telephone survey of Native American adults, Dr. Barnes and colleagues examined the effects of gambling availability and sociodemographic actors on the frequency of gambling and co-occurring alcohol abuse among Native Americans in the U.S.  

Principal Investigator
Grace Barnes, PhD
Senior Research Scientist, Research Institute on Addictions

John Welte, PhD
Senior Research Scientist, Research Institute on Addictions

David Patterson, PhD
Silver Wolf (Adelv unegv Waya)
Washington University

Paul Spicer, PhD
University of Oklahoma

Funding Agency
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)

Grant Number
