Cynthia Tysick

Photo of Cynthia Tysick.

Research Topics: Digital Identity, Information Literacy, UN SDGs, Digital Pedagogy, and Media Literacy

Cynthia Tysick is interested in the transition of high school students to first-year college undergraduates. Specifically, how well have they been prepared to use information sources for a successful undergraduate experience? Are incoming students information, media, and digital literate? What positive and negative roles has the Internet, social media, and tools like Wikipedia and Google had on students' ability to discern mis/dis-information? Can we measure their perceived, versus actual, critical multimodal literacy skills? Finally, what role does the library play in educating a global citizenry?

Through her membership in the Center for Information Integrity (CII) Tysick will collaborate with others in the areas of digital identity formation, mis/dis-information training and assessment, the use of information literacy pedagogy on a global level, and the use of digital creation tools.