MCDE Training Classes

Want to level up your skills? Attend a training class hosted by the Marketing, Communications and Digital Engagement team (MCDE). 

The MCDE team hosts training classes on a variety of topics aimed at enhancing and elevating the skills of team members in the units we support. Our classes cover various topics, including support for university products and services, brand compliance, accessibility guidelines and more.

Ready to dive in? Just sign up for any of the upcoming sessions we have lined up. Please note that some classes require prerequisites.

Training Course Descriptions

Have an idea or need for additional training classes? Reach out to an MCDE team member with your suggestion.

Open Office Hours

Planning a new project or working on an existing one and need some expert guidance? Stop by and visit an MCDE team specialist who can advise you on how best to handle your marketing and digital challenges.

Every Wednesday from 2-3 p.m. 
B41 Lockwood Library, ground floor.
No appointment is necessary!

Open office hours are meant to provide feedback and guidance on projects. The MCDE team will not be providing design or development services during this time. If you need support on a new project, please submit a work order through the service desk for consideration.

Training Class Registration Form

Spread the word! Please share this form with your colleagues so they can enhance their skills, too, and be sure to check back often as new classes are frequently added.