Record giving on UB Giving Day

Published May 15, 2019 This content is archived.

The fifth annual UB Giving Day, held May 1-2, shattered all previous records, with more than 2,000 donors committing more than $1.4 million for one cause: the University at Buffalo.

For five years, UB Giving Day has provided an opportunity for alumni, friends and donors from around the world to come together to support the university and to become more aware of the power of collective giving.

Gifts of all sizes came in during the 24 hours in support of numerous schools, units and causes. The President’s and Provost’s Giving Day challenges, along with challenges and matches from many other donors, created excitement and heated up the competitive element of Giving Day.

And for the first time, a major gift was given on UB Giving Day: Donald Coates, BS’ 64, and his wife, Patricia, made a $1 million bequest commitment — making 2019 the most successful year ever.

“On Giving Day, we demonstrated to the world what a force the UB community can be when we come together,” said Geoffrey Bartlett, assistant vice president for annual giving. “These gifts will be felt in every classroom, on every campus, for years to come.”