Law school to hold post-election forum

Published November 23, 2016 This content is archived.

Faculty members from the School of Law will discuss issues regarding the 2016 presidential election at a forum on Nov. 28 at the law school.

The session, to be moderated by Teresa Miller, professor of law and vice provost for equity and inclusion, will take place at 4 p.m. in 106 O’Brian Hall, North Campus.

Panelists and their topics of discussion:

  • James Gardner, SUNY Distinguished Professor and interim dean of the law school, “The Obligations of Democratic Citizenship.”
  • Rick Su, professor, “Federalism and Localism in Government Policy-making.”
  • Monica Wallace, professor and New York State Assembly member-elect, “State Level Responses to National Policies.”
  • Jonathan Manes, clinical professor and director of the Civil Liberties Clinic, “Taking Action against the Government.”

Refreshments will be served. All members of the UB community are welcome to attend.