2017 COACHE Survey

2017 Coach Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey.

The Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) survey of faculty career satisfaction is a national, research-based initiative, operated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education, that is designed to improve faculty recruitment, retention and work/life quality. The COACHE survey assesses faculty views on an important range of university policies, practices, and working conditions, in order to provide our institution with valuable feedback and benchmarking data that can be broken down by gender, race and disciplinary area.

UB's Participation in the 2017 Survey

UB has previously participated in the survey for the third time in Spring 2017 (most recent previous survey in 2011). Unlike previous COACHE surveys, which were limited to tenured and tenure-track faculty, in 2017 the survey was expanded to all full-time faculty (defined by COACHE as 75% and above), including clinical, research and other non-tenure-track faculty. The results of the 2017 survey have resulted in the development of the office of Recognition and Awards for Faculty, as well as other initiatives aimed at improving faculty satisfaction. UB continues to work with COACHE to develop a similar survey for part-time faculty to collect data about their experience and job satisfaction for future COACHE surveys. Our continuing efforts for improving faculty satisfcation include the 2022 COACHE survey which closed on April 11th.

2017 Survey Results

Click on the thumbnails below to view result tables from COACHE. UB’s COACHE survey data will be shared with faculty in various formats, such as retreats and faculty forums.

How Are Faculty Benefitting from 2017 Survey Results?

UB uses COACHE survey data constructively to target policy and program improvements in areas that enhance faculty career success and satisfaction. For example, past COACHE surveys have contributed to the development of a variety of policies and programs, such as:

  • Expanded new faculty orientation
  • Research support services
  • Central support for dual academic couple hiring
  • Improved communication on tenure and promotion processes and expectations
  • Professional development programs for faculty and chairs
  • Initiatives related to equity and inclusion
  • Tenure clock extension policy
  • Mentoring practices

Outcomes for Faculty from 2017 Survey

  • Development of decanal unit-specific & campus-wide mentoring initiatives
  • Recommendations to the Presidential Advisory Council on Race & the subsequent Implementation Committee
  • Formation of the NTT Faculty Advisory Council to the VPFA
  • Increased focus on faculty appreciation & creation of a high-level staff position to support faculty awards and recognition
  • Changes to format & content of New Faculty Orientation
  • Enhanced professional development programming for new faculty, mid-career faculty, & department chairs 
  • Diversity & inclusion initiatives such as the Difficult Conversation series
  • Establishment of an ad-hoc committee on Promotion & Professional Development of NTT Faculty that delivered a report to the Provost

COACHE 2017 Response and Completion