Published September 26, 2023

These four researchers are working hard to make a difference in the field of cancer

As reported by Buffalo Business First, four researchers, including Yun Wu, professor and chair of the department of biomedical engineering at the University at Buffalo, are are working to make a difference in the field of cancer. Wu's research focuses on nanotherapeutics new screening tests for lung cancer. 

Wu is the principal investigator of two National Institutes of Health grants related to the development of a new screening test for lung cancer. The project, currently in the pre-clinical stage, is a collaboration between a team from the University of Southern California, Roswell Park and UB spin-off For-Robin, a startup supported by the Center for Advanced Technology in Big Data and Health Sciences. The team is developing a blood-based liquid biopsy to identify biomarkers in tiny vesicles outside the cells.

Read the full story here.