Social Policy and Systems of Oppression

Dr. Shaanta Murshid’s research lies at the intersection of social policy and systems of oppression, like patriarchy and capitalism. With degrees in business and public policy, and an appointment in social work, Dr. Murshid takes both a macro and micro perspective to her research.

Articles and Reflections

  • The Global Child: The path we want to take
    This year, 2020-21, is the year of reckoning of all kinds. We are in the middle of a global pandemic that has exacerbated economic and gender inequalities, as well as those along other dimensions, making clear how unfettered global capitalism is a system of oppression, how certain groups are marginalized for the economic and social benefit of others; how racism, classism, ableism, and sexism are intensified under this economic system that teaches us to value certain traits over others, certain behaviors over others, certain occupations over others, certain people over others. 
  • From Citizens to Consumers: Women's Experiences in a Neoliberal World
    Economists are quite familiar with a term that may be unfamiliar to most. Neoliberalism, the ideology that our social and economic world is characterized by free market capitalism, drives our policies and relationships. An April 2016 article in The Guardian suggests it is the root of all our problems: the 2008 financial meltdown, slow degradation of public health, epidemic of loneliness, and the collapse of the ecosystems. Neoliberalism applauds competition, defines citizens as consumers, and suggests that the market delivers all that we need. As consumers, “we internalize and reproduce its creeds.” While the rich blame the poor for their failures, they often ignore the structural barriers (education, economic status, gender, class, race, etc.) that put them at an advantage.

Recent Publications

  1. Murshid, N. S. (2020). Examining Microfinance Participants’ Use of Neoliberal Language in Bangladesh. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 11(2), 000-000.
  2. Murshid, Nadine S., Melinda Lemke, Azfar Hussain, and Shahana Siddiqui. "Combatting Gender-Based Violence: Perspectives from Social Work, Education, Interdisciplinary Studies, and Medical Anthropology." In Transforming Global Health: Interdisciplinary Challenges, Perspectives, and Strategies, edited by Korydon Smith and Pavani Ram. New York, NY: Springer, 2020.
  3. Murshid, K.A.S, and N.S. Murshid. "Adolescent Exposure to and Attitudes toward Violence: Empirical Evidence from Bangladesh." Children and Youth Services Review 98, no. 3 (2019): 85-95.

See a full list of publications.
