Aging in Western NY

Photo of family with three members.

Explore course themes related to inequality and aging in an optional volunteer service assignment for SOC 304

Project description

This is a volunteer service project for students enrolled in SOC 304. Students who choose to complete this project will complete 10 hours of volunteering with a local organization that serves older adults and analyze their volunteer experience through the lens of course readings and discussions. Students will engage critically with the concept of "productive aging" in reflecting on their volunteer experience.

Project outcome

The student will create a power-point presentation describing their volunteer experience and reflecting on aging from a sociological perspective. 

Project details

Timing, eligibility and other details
Length of commitment About 3-5 months
Start time Fall (August/September)
In-person, remote, or hybrid? In Person Project
Level of collaboration Individual student project
Benefits Academic credit
Who is eligible All undergraduate students enrolled in SOC 304

Project mentor

Kristen Lee

Associate Professor


Phone: (716) 645-8469


Start the project

  1. Ensure you are enrolled in the course for the correct semester.
  2. Click the button to start the digital badge below.

Preparation activities

Once you begin the digital badge series, you will have access to all the necessary activities and instructions. Your mentor has indicated they would like you to also complete the specific preparation activities below. Please reference this when you get to Step 2 of the Preparation Phase. 

To prepare for your volunteer service project, you will read the assigned course readings as listed on the syllabus plus the following book chapter to get you thinking about the concept of “productive aging”:

Estes, Carroll L., and Jane L. Mahakian. 2001. “The Political Economy of Productive Aging.” Pp. 197-213 in N. Morrow-Howell, J. Hinterlong, & M. Sherraden (eds.) Productive Aging: Concepts and Challenges. Johns Hopkins University Press. (UBL)

You will need to cite this book chapter in your final reflection paper. The preparation stage of the digital badge must be completed before your start your volunteer hours.


SOC 304: Sociology of Aging