Urban Architectural Initiatives, RA, PC

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About Urban Architectural Initiatives, RA, PC 
Since its origins, our firm has distinguished itself by combining expertise, dedication, and a uniquely responsive approach to planning, designing, and building. With over 110 high-quality buildings and 4,200 apartments completed, UAI’s experience in community-based developments, supportive, affordable, and community housing is unparalleled and has enriched the lives of thousands of families in the city and state of New York. Our work is inspired by a desire to create beautifully designed, warm, efficient, and sustainable buildings that respect the needs of our clients and strengthen our overall community, one building at a time.

The guiding principle for UAI’s practice stems from actively engaging the client in the design process to learn about and understand their history and vision, as well as their functional and formal space needs. This simple approach has allowed us to develop extensive experience in housing, civic and cultural community facilities, educational, religious, health care, commercial, rehabilitations, historic restoration, and urban revitalization projects.

A primary focus has been serving nonprofit, mission and community-based organizations to develop housing and community facilities, often with municipal funding sources. We are proud that our buildings benefit underserved communities including the homeless, mentally ill, senior citizens, the youth, veterans and low-income families and individuals.

UAI is fully committed to designing deeply sustainable buildings with our clients’ comfort and wellbeing in mind. Our intention is to make thoughtful and responsible design decisions, grounded in building science, which emphasize highly energy-efficient and air-tight building envelopes and quality healthy interiors. Leading our sustainability efforts is a staff of Passive House and LEED professionals that recognize that our buildings must serve the needs of current and future generations. 

Principal, Jorge Chang (BPS '02)


233 Broadway, Ste. 2150
New York, New York 10279

Phone: (212) 979-1510

Website: https://uai-ny.com/
