My Doula Ruth

About My Doula Ruth
I support birthing people and those postpartum, through their labor and delivery and/or postpartum period (the time after their baby is born and typically when they have returned home). Every person should have the opportunity to labor and deliver a baby according to their own wishes; hiring a doula (whether it's me or someone else) can help teach you what to expect, and how to advocate for yourself to accomplish those goals. I support birth wishes of any kind - epidural, induction, home birth, and more - and encourage all of my clients to partake in childbirth education (class, books, etc.) prior to delivery. Please contact me with any questions, even if you are not in the NYC/Long Island area, as I am happy to be a resource to those in the UB community regardless of where you live.

Owner, Ruth Kleinman (BA '05)


Port Washington, NY 11050

Phone: (516) 456-6586
