Distinguished Alumni Award: School of Law

Kenneth A. Manning, JD ’77, MS ’09, BS ’74.

Kenneth A. Manning, MS ’09, JD ’77, BS ’74 

Manning, a partner at Phillips Lytle LLP in Buffalo, has more than 40 years of litigation experience, including bet-the-company corporate and commercial litigation, dissolution proceedings, employment termination disputes and wrongful death claims. Beyond his legal practice, Manning volunteers with several Western New York nonprofit organizations, including Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, National Federation for Just Communities and Suneel’s Light Foundation. In addition, he has served on the New York State Continuing Legal Education Board of Directors, the Commission on Judicial Nomination, and was board chair for the Peace Bridge Authority. Manning is recognized as a Leading Individual in Chambers USA, America’s Leading Lawyers for Business, and is named Best Lawyers® Bet-the-Company Litigation Lawyer of the Year in Buffalo for 2023. He was among the Top 50 attorneys on the Upstate New York Super Lawyers® 2022 list. Manning is a Fellow of the Litigation Counsel of America. In addition to his law degree, he holds two engineering degrees from UB.