Chiedza Maponga, PharmD, is director in the School of Pharmacy at the University of Zimbabwe’s College of Health Sciences, and he also holds a visiting faculty position in the University at Buffalo, Buffalo New York’s School of Pharmacy. As Director of the International Pharmacotherapy Education and Research Initiative and the Co-Director of the UB-UZ HIV International Training and Research Program, he rotates several times annually between the USA and Zimbabwe. He has been actively involved in the International AIDS Clinical Trials Group activities in the past ten years mainly through the UB and UZ collaboration. He provides collaboration and act as co-chair responsible for the academic and administrative aspects of the AITRP in Zimbabwe through his role as chairman of the Zimbabwe Multidisciplinary Clinical Pharmacology Research Priorities Committee (ZMRC). His understanding of the Zimbabwean health care system is a great asset in ensuring smooth implementation of the project. Within Zimbabwe, the current national ETA program is designed to implement current strategies for preventing HIV and optimizing treatment with the goal of slowing and eradicating HIV.