Charles Venuto, PharmD's research is focused on the application of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) analyses for optimizing drug delivery and development, with an emphasis in drug-drug and drug-disease interactions. The majority of his work in PK/PD modeling and simulation has been in the field of HIV and Parkinson’s disease. For nearly a decade, he has worked closely with Dr. Gene Morse, PharmD, and the University at Buffalo Pharmacology Specialty Laboratory (PSL), on national and international projects characterizing the disposition and metabolism of antiretrovirals in HIV-infected populations. He is completing his second year of training as a K23 grant recipient, which is focused on characterizing and predicting the pharmacokinetics of HIV antiretrovirals and hepatitis C direct acting antivirals in co-infected populations using advanced modeling and simulation techniques. As a faculty member at the Center for Human Experimental Therapeutics and the Department of Neurology at the University of Rochester, he has extensive experience in designing and conducting clinical trials in collaboration with local investigators, as well as through large clinical trial networks like the AIDS Clinical Trials Group, the Parkinson’s Study Group, and the Huntington’s Study Group. A developing interest that has resulted from this work is to modernize the clinical trial process through modeling and simulations of disease progression and trial designs in order to make trials more efficient while decreasing risk of failure. He also holds teaching responsibilities at the University of Rochester and the University at Buffalo, lecturing on clinical pharmacology and drug development. Over the past year as a pharmacologist for the Hepatitis Transformative Science Group, he has gained a tremendous amount of knowledge around how clinical trials are designed and conducted for viral hepatitis and other liver diseases. In his second year of service to the group, he hopes to apply his interest and expertise in modeling and simulation to the design of future Hepatitis TSG studies, as well as continue to support the group’s overall scientific agenda.