Profilometer (Stylus) - Veeco Dektak®150


Stylus profilers are used to measure surface metrology variations on flat substrates. This profilometer features an automated stage with step height, surface roughness, and film stress measurement capabilities.


  •  When set to a vertical measurement range of 6.55 μm, the measurements are resolved to 1Å
  • Horizontal resolution is defined by the scan length; up to 60,000 points per scan
  • Minimum measured step height is 10 Å
  • Maximum sample thickness is 100 mm
  • Maximum substrate size is 150 mm diameter (6-inch wafers)
  • Measurable vertical range is 524 µm
  • Maximum scan length is 55 mm


Electrical Engineering Cleanroom

Davis Hall, Suite 114

University at Buffalo North Campus

Buffalo, NY 14260


Veeco D 150 Profilometer sits next to a computer near the Davis Hall Cleanroom.
For initial inquiries, contact:

Jeff Salzmann

Cleanroom Manager, Shared Instrumentation Laboratories,

Assistant professor of research

114A Davis Hall

(716) 645-2584