Over the years, SEESL has conducted research projects with university faculty and students, as well as working with groups such as NEES and MCEER. Below you will find current and past research projects that have been conducted here at SEESL.
Earthquake simulator testing is underway at UB-NEES, to assess the performance limit states of seismically isolated buildings under strong ground motions
By designing a ductile structure and letting the structure yield under strong earthquakes, the forces acting on the structure can be reduced to the level dictated by the yield level. However, the structure undergoes permanent displacement.
For earthquake simulations, one of the services we provide are shake tables. Currently, there are two, relocatable 7.0m x 7.0m platforms with six-degrees of freedom. Each table is capable of 50 tons payload. Find out more about our shake tables.
The multi-fan wind tunnel is is controlled by 64 inertia array (8x8) of small axial fans. These fans can be controlled individually or in groups using the the supplied software. Each individual fan can reach a maximum of 5,500rpm (rotations per minute). Learn more about it.
The electric furnace has a maximum operating temperature of 1,000°C (1,800 °F) and is designed to accommodate a fast ramp-up heating rate. The furnace roof is removable and includes a central closure hole to allow placement and force loading of vertically oriented element. The closure hole on one side allows for placement and loading of a horizontally oriented element. Learn more about it.
SEESL is equipped with many large-scale, high-performance, dynamic and static actuators. These actuators provide the ability to conduct dynamic, pseudo-dynamic, and hybrid pseudo-dynamic testing. Find out more about our actuator capabilities.