Our Projects

NEES Wood.

Over the years, SEESL has conducted research projects with university faculty and students, as well as working with groups such as NEES and MCEER. Below you will find current and past research projects that have been conducted here at SEESL.

Current Research Projects

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Completed Research Projects

  • NEEStips
    Earthquake simulator testing is underway at UB-NEES, to assess the performance limit states of seismically isolated buildings under strong ground motions
  • NEES AdaptStruct
    By designing a ductile structure and letting the structure yield under strong earthquakes, the forces acting on the structure can be reduced to the level dictated by the yield level. However, the structure undergoes permanent displacement.
  • Hybrid Simulation of Steel Moment Frame to Collapse

    Testing of a geographically distributed hybrid simulation of a four story steel moment frame building subjected to the 1995 JR Takatori record.