Research Briefs

The Joining Forces-UB project is excited to launch a series of research briefs that summarize veteran-related publications from our project and collaborators.  The intent of these research briefs is to provide snapshots of our research - key findings, applications for practice and policy, and recommendations for future study. 

“We don’t complain about little things”: Views of veterans and military family members on healthcare gaps and needs

Screenshot of the research brief "We don't Complain...".

Posted 1-22-16: This research brief provides a summary of focus group data from veterans and military families discussing their healthcare experiences and ways to improve service provision.

On Working With Veterans: What Social Work and Nursing Students Need to Know

Award-Winning article

Recipient, Best Veterans Article in the Journal of Military and Veterans’ Health (2014-15), Australasian Military Medicine Association

Screenshot of the research brief "On Working with Veterans...".

Posted 1-22-16: This research brief summarizes focus group findings from former social work and nursing students who talk about what practitioners-in-training need to know to work effectively with veterans and military families.