A program of the WNY Incubator Network (WIN), the Federal Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) assistance program links quality SBIR/STTR applicants with outside experts to submit timely, high-quality proposals to relevant federal agencies.
The highly competitive SBIR/STTR programs represent significant funding opportunities for ventures involved in R&D of interest to the federal government. Funding through these programs can bridge the financial gap between performance of basic science and commercialization of resulting innovations. WIN’s cost sharing program provides an opportunity for companies requiring an expert consultant to improve their applications when applying for either Phase 1 or Phase 2 of federal funding available through the SBIR/STTR programs. Potential consultants may be identified by the venture, host incubator, or WIN.
Appropriate use of funds may include:
Salaries or fees paid to the proposed principal investigator, owner, or employees of the applicant company are not eligible. Requests for assistance need to be submitted 60 days prior to the federal submission deadline. WIN contribution is limited to $4,000.
Current WIN incubator clients and graduates are eligible for this program.