Genome Day

Eighth-grade Buffalo Public School students performing genomic experiments at their desks.

Genome Day is an annual event that introduces Buffalo Public School eighth grade students to genomics and provides an opportunity to learn about genomic-related careers.

About Genome Day

The event introduces young people to genomics by engaging them in hands-on science projects. It also showcases the best of UB -- students do experiments in the state-of-the-art Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences building. They learn from volunteers including dozens of UB students, faculty and staff. It is a great opportunity for students to continue fueling their interest in science.

Genome Day is led by UB's Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics and Life Sciences (CBLS) in partnership with the Genome, Environment and Microbiome Community of Excellence and the Buffalo Public Schools.

Participation and Eligibility

Partner institutions select life science-focused students, teachers, graduate students and scientists with a passion for STEM and related research to volunteer and participate in the knowledge sharing.

Small group leader volunteers are needed to make this event a success. Interested volunteers should work in the life sciences and have familiarity with genetics and genomics. We encourage UB students, faculty and staff to participate and inspire the next generation of STEM professionals. 

For More Information

Sandra Small.

Sandra Small

Science Education Manager

UB's Center of Excellence

Phone: (716) 888-4851
