The marble sculpture, Authority of Law, appears below the inscription, EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW, LAW, on the west entrance of the U.S. Supreme Court building. Photograph courtesy of CC BY-SA 3.0, Matt H. Wade.
The Baldy Center Workshop, October 11 & 12, 2019, marks the launch of The Journal of Law and Political Economy (JLPE). The peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary online publication seeks to promote multi- and interdisciplinary analyses of the mutually constitutive interactions among law, society, institutions, and politics. Its central goal is to explore power in all its manifestations (race, class, gender, sexuality, disability, global inequality, etc.) and the relationship of law to power.
Martha McCluskey
Professor, William J. Magavern Faculty Scholar
See faculty profile
Phone: 716-645-2326
Office: 714 O'Brian Hall
School of Law, UB North Campus
Buffalo, NY 14260-1100
Faculty Assistant: Anita M. Gesel
509 O'Brian Hall
Friday, October 11
9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Saturday, October 12
9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Martha McCluskey
Martha McCluskey’s scholarship examines the relationship between economics and inequality in law. She is working on a book titled A Field Guide to Law, Economics and Justice. Earlier publications include a major study of workers’ compensation reform laws, several articles analyzing workers’ compensation insurance regulation, and articles on welfare policy and social citizenship. Much of her work explores the connections between economics and feminist legal theory. She is the co-editor of Feminism, Media, and the Law (Oxford University Press, 1997). McCluskey’s work builds on critical legal analysis of gender and race to develop the jurisprudence of disability and of economic class by addressing economic ideology. She is a co-organizer of the ClassCrits project, which brings together scholars in law, economics and other disciplines to develop a critical legal analysis of economic inequality through workshops, conference panels, scholarly publications and a blog.
Angela Harris
Professor Angela P. Harris joined the UC Davis School of Law (King Hall) faculty in 2011. She began her career at the UC Berkeley School of Law in 1989, and has been a visiting professor at the law schools of Stanford, Yale, and Georgetown. In 2010-11, at the State University of New York - University at Buffalo School of Law, she served as vice dean of research and faculty development. She writes widely in the field of critical legal theory, examining how law sometimes reinforces and sometimes challenges subordination on the basis of race, gender, sexuality, class, and other dimensions of power and identity. Her writings have been widely anthologized and have been translated into many languages, from Portuguese to Korean.
Jay Varellas
James J. (“Jay”) Varellas, III, has joined Varellas & Varellas, of counsel, after practicing as an attorney at law firms in New York City and San Francisco. Jay has spent much of his legal career litigating large-scale class actions and other complex litigation disputes around the country. While an attorney practicing in New York, he was part of the trial team that tried a multi-billion-dollar class action to a jury verdict in a four-month trial in federal court. He also has trial experience involving claims of bad-faith denial of insurance claims. Over his career, Jay has litigated numerous class actions and other large-scale complex litigation disputes around the country and he has appellate experience before a number of appellate courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court. He has also provided advice regarding mergers and acquisitions, advised major law firms on ethics and conflict-of-interest issues and represented non-profits in a variety of contexts.
Tonya Brito
Tonya L. Brito is the Jefferson Burrus-Bascom Professor of Law at the University of Wisconsin Law School and a Faculty Affiliate with the Institute for Research on Poverty (IRP) at the University of Wisconsin. She served as Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Development from 2014-2016 and as Director of the Institute for Legal Studies from 2013-2016. As ILS Director, she organized and hosted numerous academic conferences and speaker series, developed and inaugurated the ILS Law and Society Graduate Fellows Program, and launched the Wednesday Workshop series, an internal works-in-progress series for law faculty. An award winning scholar, Brito's work critically examines the intersection of family law and poverty law, focusing on how the welfare state regulates the family relationships of the poor. She has written on welfare law and policy's impact on the development of family law, the experience of poor families in the child support system, and the image of motherhood in poverty discourse.
Lua Kamal Yuille
Lua Kamál Yuille is an interdisciplinary scholar whose work connects property theory, economics, business law, critical pedagogy and group identity. Her recent projects include studies of the economics and pedagogy of street gang identity and control mechanisms, corporate personality and the communicative impact of citizenship law and policy. Yuille’s career as a lawyer and an educator has taken her all over the world, from prisons in the Bahamas to boardrooms in Argentina, homelands in South Africa to immigrant enclaves in Italy, and more. She formed part of the legal teams for some of the most important legal events in the last decade, her scholarship has broken ground across many areas, and she maintains a robust pro bono practice consulting on immigration matters and advocating for survivors of domestic violence. In 2017, she received the Junior Faculty Teaching Award from the Society of American Law Teachers.
Jamee Moudud
Over the past few years few years I have developed two new passions in my life, one of which is to study legal theory and legal history and their links to political economy, and the other is the electric guitar. On the law/political economy nexus, my focus is the study of the legal foundations of markets and of money and to understand how conflicts over property and contracts are at the heart of our economic system. This has led me in an intellectual direction that rejects the public/private divide, at the heart of much thinking in economics, and provides the basis for a new way of conceptualizing policy which is quite distinct from both the neoclassical and much of the alternative traditions in economics.
Eric George
My research focuses on the relationship between political economy and the Rule of Law. I hold a PhD in political science from York University, with a specialization in international political economy and political theory. I also did a MA in Global Political Economy at the University of Sussex. A major feature of our contemporary global political economy has been privatization. Classical state functions including regulation, the provision security, and even lawmaking are now undertaken by private actors. One area of privatization that has been understudied is adjudication. My dissertation, the Political Economy of Commercial Arbitration, examined the remarkable privatization of commercial dispute resolution (domestic and international).