Our Mission

Here, you will find hundreds of service professionals, all driven by one shared set of values designed to help ensure students' well-being, create a safe and supportive environment, and promote student success.

Focus Areas

Student Life creates experiences and opportunities that enhance students learning and personal growth. We provide resources that enrich the lives of our students, augment their connection to the UB community, and prepare them for life after graduation.

Our Strategic Priorities

  • Wellness: The health and wellness of UB students is of paramount importance. We work to provide a variety of high-quality services and programs focused on physical and emotional health to promote student success and well-being. Our public health approach aims to encourage and empower all UB students to develop healthy behaviors as an essential part of their college experience.
  • Student Engagement and Success: We work collaboratively with campus and community partners to create an environment for all students to explore individual interests and connect with others to achieve common goals and to celebrate UB spirit and traditions. By providing opportunities for students to meaningfully engage with their university experience, we cultivate the leadership potential of every UB student.
  • Student Support: We are committed to supporting students in their development and success at UB. Through specialized programs and services, individual students receive support and resources during times of need.
  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice: We believe in a community where all members feel welcomed, included, supported and empowered. To create this environment, we must advocate for equity, inclusion and social justice. We must also progress beyond these broad principles, as we deliberately and actively eliminate barriers and challenge unjust systems that have historically excluded underserved populations.