VOLUME 31, NUMBER 10 THURSDAY, October 28, 1999

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Virginia Majewski, staff support specialist in Academic Advisement, is one of four trained coordinators for the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), jointly sponsored by Labor and Management. She has worked at UB since 1994.

What is the EAP?

EAP is a confidential referral service for all New York State employees and their families. We provide information and referral to the best possible resources to meet the person's needs. Each state agency has one or more EAP coordinators.

Majewski How many cases do you refer a year?

It varies year to year, but we assist approximately 150 people.

What kinds of problems would lead someone to call on the EAP for help?

Anything and everything. Think about things in your life that may be negatively impacting you, that may be preventing you from focusing on your job or home life. Problems can include, and are not limited to, stress, family and relationships, medical, violence, drugs and alcohol, child-rearing, adolescents, eldercare, childcare, grief, work, anger, union, finances, legal, losing weight, illness, etcŠ

How does the process work?

You simply call us. Others that can refer you to us may be supervisors, union reps, coworkers or family members. After you contact us, we will determine the issue and provide you with two or three professional referrals in the community, in keeping with your HMO. That's it.

This is all pretty personal. Who hears about my concerns once I tell a coordinator about them?

We are the only one to hear your concerns. No one else. There is a disclosure form that may be signed for the purpose of discussing issues only with the appropriate parties, if necessary.

Can the EAP assist with workplace conflicts?

Yes. We are well trained in all areas and greatly encourage employees and supervisors to utilize us for this. We will work with human resources and labor unions where necessary. In the event of a critical incident on campus-death of an employee on or off the job, assault by one employee on another, terminal illness or death, violence-our regional representative, Deborah Hard, is available to work with us to do a critical-incident stress debriefing for the employees involved.

Have the issues raised by employees changed in the past two or three years?

There seems to be an increase in stress-related problems, and parent /adolescent concerns.

Does the EAP have any special events or activities planned for the coming year?

I am so glad you asked! Yes. November is designated as EAP month, and we are proud to bring a presentation to UB by R. Bruce Baum of Buffalo State College. Baum uses creativity and humor to help show us how we can relieve stress. He is exceptionally witty and will keep you laughing all presentation long. I promise! With the holidays approaching, this is a great prelude to a sometimes very stressful time of year for many. "She/He Who Laughs, Lasts: Coping with Stress through Humor," will be presented on Nov. 12 in the Student Union Assembly Hall, Room 330. There will be two sessions, from 10 a.m. to noon and from 1:30-3:30 p.m. Reservations are needed, as seats are limited. You can contact me at 645-6019 or via email at vmajewsk@buffalo.edu.

What question do you wish I had asked, and how would you have answered it?

Does EAP counsel? No. We only do assessments for purposes of referral to the best sources available to us.

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